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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query tc. Sort by date Show all posts

09 December 2017

TC - "Youth Work In The Digital Era", Sibenik , Croația

Am plecat la drum într-o după-amiază ploioasă de noiembrie - atât de ploioasă, că ne-a trecut prin cap de câteva ori să luăm o barcă până la Otopeni. Știam că ne așteaptă un drum lung până în Croația: 16 ore de schimbat 5 mijloace de transport până în Sibenik, unde aveam să petrecem 5 zile de învățare despre lumea digitală alături de participanți din 9 țări.

14 May 2018

Youth Exchange: [BG-160] InforMigration, Bansko, Bulgaria

Six enthusiastic GEYCuleți spent about a week in the one of the largest winter resorts of Bulgaria, attending a training course about topics related to migration, refugees, hate speech and human rights. They got the chance to learn the processes, reasons and effects of migration, about climate change and its social, economic, political and environmental consequences and at the end were left with one of the most exciting stories to tell.

15 January 2018

TC- "Youth Hate=Hate Youth", Newcastle, England

As a regular participant of Erasmus project, quite experimented with non-formal techniques I usually have the tendency of becoming too technical and abstract disregarding my experience.

27 March 2018

TC - „LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY", Wisła, Poland

This training course was mostly about discrimination and social inclusion. It took part in a beautiful town in Poland, named Wisla, in the middle of the nature full covered in white. There were participants from Spain, France, Macedonia, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Turkey having two well trained facilitators from Poland and Russia.

30 June 2019

Training Course: ABCreativity, 20.01.2019-28.01.2019, Leszno, Poland

ABCreativity was a 7 days Training Course for beginners on the topic of creativity and innovation and how to use it in our local communities and in our NGOs reality. It took place in Leszno, Wielkopolska, Poland and gathered participants from 8 countries – Poland, Romania, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Spain and Czech Republic. The project was organized by our partners from Fundacja Arena i Świat.

29 September 2012

Combating Discrimination against Migrant and Roma Minorities - educational achievements and results

EN: Between 18th and 28th of September 2012, GEYC participated to the TC "Combating Discrimination against Migrant and Roma Minorities" organised in Rosheim, France by AMSED
RO: În perioada 18-28 Septembrie 2012, GEYC a participat la trainingul „Combaterea discriminării rromilor și a populațiilor migrante” organizat în Rosheim, Franța de către AMSED

05 August 2017

TC - FEMPOWER in Armenia, Yerevan

The training course took place in Yerevan and it was aimed to enable youth workers and young leaders to feel and reflect about the power of gender. During the training we learned about gender equality issues by sharing and comparing the realities in the European Union and neighboring partner countries, and exchanging experiences, best practices and knowledge between us and our organizations on gender mainstreaming and women empowerment! 

30 December 2017

TC - "Your Body is a Voice II", Ganties, France

Have many of you have heard about the power of body language? This year, in May, in a beautiful part of France, called Ganties, took part the training course “Your Body is a Voice II”. The training course was addressed to youthworkers who were interested in participating in body language workshops. The aims of this training course were to promote the culture and living diversity as well as to encourage the youth expression, creativity and communication through dance, theatre and singing. 

05 September 2017

TC "ENCORE" - Budapesta, Ungaria

Training course-ul "ENCORE" s-a desfășurat în perioada 04.08.2017-13.08.2017 în Budapesta, Ungaria și a avut ca scop îmbunătățirea comunicării pe plan personal, cât și pe plan profesional. Iată impresiile participantei din partea GEYC:

08 June 2018

TC, A world without discrimination, Ödemiş, Turkey

In the mid of April (22-30), two amazing #GEYCuleți went to Turkey to take part in a Training Course aiming to discover what form discrimination takes in the European context.  

08 August 2018

TC - FaciliTRAIN, 20th-28th of June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece

During 20th and 28th of June, 4 young people from Romania took part in the "FaciliTRAIN" Training Course, which represented a learning environment focusing on learning by experience, reflection on the past activities of the participants, discussions about the key competencies of youth work and discovering training competencies and methodology.

29 March 2013

Spread the word - TC in Newcastle, UK

From 20th to 27th of March, GEYC participated in ”Spread the word” training course organized by Opportunity International in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, with the financial support of ”Youth in action” programme.

04 December 2017

TC-''Active citizens of Today'' Vordingborg, Danemarca

Și a venit timpul să scriu despre minunata experiență in Training course-ul ''Active citizens of Today'' (10.11.2017- 18.11.2017) din Vordingborg, Danemarca. Îmi este greu să îmi găsesc cuvintele, deoarece vreau să suprind esențialul, însă, în același timp, am atât de multe de zis. A fost experiența cea mai frumoasă și cea mai educativă pe care am avut-o până acum.

17 June 2018

TC-Holloko, Hungary

The EducatiON line training course, held between 29.05-04.06 2018 in Holloko, Hungary, was truly a project of diversity and multiculturalism. Even if there were five participating countries, the participants came from 12 different countries, from 3 parts of the world: Europe, Asia and South America. 

29 December 2014

FAQ: Mobility center

Întrebări frecvente cu privire la mobilitățile europene coordonate de către GEYC

Acest ghid conține condițiile generale de organizare a mobilităților europene ale GEYC în cadrul programului Erasmus+. În situația în care condițiile specifice (prezente în apelul pentru participanți) ale unui proiect diferă de acestea, acelea vor prevala. 
Înscrierea la aceste proiecte presupune cunoașterea și acceptarea tuturor acestor termeni și condiții.

18 December 2017

TC-"Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism" Terranova, Italia

În perioada 29 noiembrie - 7 decembrie am fost unul dintre cei patru GEYC-uleți care a luat parte la un training course – Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism. Acesta a avut loc în localitatea Terranova da Sibari, Italia. Pot spune că sunt tare norocoasă să vorbesc acum la timpul trecut și să spun că am fost acolo, căci am aflat că am zbor cu o oră și jumătate înainte de îmbarcare. Nu, nu e o greșeală. Compania aeriană m-a anunțat cu o oră și jumătate înainte de îmbarcare că mi-a modificat biletul de avion.

13 May 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants (no age limit): Training Course in Bédeille, France (28th September-9th October 2015)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Alternative Communication" European project that will take place in Bédeille, France, from 28th September to 9th October 2015. The aim of this TC is to allow participants to discover different ways of acting and being involved as a European citizenships. Deadline: May, 29, 2015.

06 August 2017

TC - Active Citizenship in the Digital Era- Wuppertal, Germania, Iulie 2017

Training Course-ul intitulat " Active Citizenship in the Digital Era " care s-a desfășurat în orașul Wuppertal - Germania și la care am avut ocazia sã particip a reprezentat pentru mine șansa de a-mi extinde universul cunoașterii atât din punct de vedere cultural cât și social. 

18 August 2018

"HTML 4 Youth Workers" TC, Tbilisi, Georgia // InYouS

The second stage of the Capacity building project "International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance learning course and open educational materials" (InYouS) has taken place in Tbilisi, Georgia, between 22nd-29th of July 2018.