Showing posts with label project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label project. Show all posts

Winners Wanted ! European Charlemagne Youth Prize Competition 2019 - call for projects

Since 2008, the European Parliament together with the ‘Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen’ have each year been inviting young people from all EU Member States to submit projects run by and for youth showing an active participation in the development of Europe.

TC-Holloko, Hungary

The EducatiON line training course, held between 29.05-04.06 2018 in Holloko, Hungary, was truly a project of diversity and multiculturalism. Even if there were five participating countries, the participants came from 12 different countries, from 3 parts of the world: Europe, Asia and South America. 

5 things to do before you turn 25 (YE, Design your job, Malaga, Spain)

Because the best way to define yourself as a person is through the experiences you live and the people you meet, #GEYCleții do not like to waste time so left in a new adventure that has enriched them both personally and professionally. 

EVS, Nicosia, Cyprus

Nicosia, the largest city on the island of Cyprus, has hosted, starting with the beginning of November 2017 and ending with the last days of April 2018, an EVS focused on Youth Activities. 

Japanese Culture in a Nutshell

Konichi wa! This is the first greeting phrase everyone hears getting out of the plane and stepping on the outlandish land of Nippon koku. A month has passed since my Japanese experience has finished and yet, it feels as it happened yesterday. Every day was a travel in time, from the Ancient Japanese culture to the present and future one. Thus, in what follows, the story will focus on the most memorable things it happened each day, from my personal perspective.

EQYP Output: how to find commercial partners?

Sometimes is a burden to find the right commercial partner for your project. Let's see how you can find them...

An unofficial cultural nights' guide for the official Erasmus+ program

Do you want to know all about getting ready for a successful cultural night in the Erasmus + program? 
GEYC gives you 7 easy steps in order to get you started for an amazing intercultural experience.

Open calls for Romanian participants - European mobilities

Do you like arts? Are you concerned about democracy issues especially in the context of new media? Would you like to learn more about European citizenship? Wanna visit France or Poland? GEYC invites you to apply for one of our European projects this autumn. It is your chance to improve your skills at European level. Don't miss the chance!

S.M.Y.L.E. - Project description

S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment project is a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized by GEYC in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. 

Hand in hand against violence - Isparta, Turkey

From 3rd July to 9th July, GEYC participated to an  "Hand in hand against violence’’ European project organized in Isparta, Turkey with the financial support of "Youth in action’’ programme. 

Resurse-reciclare-recondiționare în oglinda viitorului / resources - recycling - reconditioning in a future perspective

RO: GEYC sprijină desfășurarea Simpozionului Național ”Triada resurse-reciclare-recondiționare în oglinda viitorului” organizat de Liceul Energetic Târgu-Jiu pe data de 10 noiembrie 2012 la Târgu Jiu. 

EN: GEYC supports the National Symposion "Triad resources - recycling - reconditioning in a future perspective" organized by Targu-Jiu Energetic Highschool on November, 10th, 2012 at Targu Jiu.

Campioni în business / Business champions

RO: GEYC sprijină proiectul „Campioni în Business”. „Campioni în Business” este un “bravo” și un “mulțumesc” pentru antreprenorii români care, crescând companii de succes, pun în mișcare economia și dezvoltă întreaga Românie. 
EN: GEYC supports "Champions in Business" project. ”Champions in Business” is a "bravo" and a "thank you" for Romanian entrepreneurs who successfully growing companies, they grew economy and trigger the whole country.

New Survey Launched on Non-Formal Education and Employability

GEYC supports European Youth Forum in a new survey launched on the topic of non-formal education and employability. In this research project could take part both individuals and organisations.

"Sports and social" - youth exchange in Sicily

From October 14th to 21th, GEYC participated to "Sports and social" project - an european youth exchange in Roccalumera, Italy. The exchange was organized by the Municipality of Roccalumera under the Youth in Action program. 

Survey: Internship Experience in Europe

GEYC supports ”Internship Experience in Europe” - a survey organized by European Youth Forum in order to have a better understanding on internships  in Europe.

Financial and banking services for the civil society

Do you want to influence the financial and banking services in your country ?

The Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC is organizing the international research project "Financial and banking services for the civil society" during the period October 2010 - January 2011.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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