Showing posts with label call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label call. Show all posts

Call for participants: Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (8-12 February 2016, Platres, Cyprus)

Future Worlds Center is inviting youth from all over Europe to participate in a global initiative that aims to reinvent a new system of governance by proposing new and innovative actions. The initiative aims to engage youth in both physical and virtual meetings with the first physical meeting taking place in Cyprus in February 2016. The initiative is supported by United Nations Democracy Fund.

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (8th ed.)

http://resources.geyc.roIn order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months online practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication.

After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you to apply for NMA 8th edition!

The deadline for submitting the application form is 10/07/2015. APPLY NOW!

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (7th ed.)
In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months online practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication.

After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you to apply for NMA 7th edition!

The deadline for submitting the application form is 20/04/2015. APPLY NOW!

Call for EVS sending partners: Erasmus+ / KA1 in Bucharest, RO

GEYC is looking for sending partners from European/Programme countries for "New Media Entrepreneurs" project which will take place in Bucharest, Romania. The application will be submitted under Erasmus+ program, KA1 to the Romanian National Agency for the 1st of October deadline.

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (6th generation)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you too apply for NMA 5th and NMA 6th editions!

Call for Maltese participants - SMARTER training course / 22-31.08.2014 / Bucharest, Romania

Are you interested in social media? Do you want to find out how social media can help you in your professional life? Are you eager to visit Romania and get to know people coming from all over Europe? Then you should apply for the SMARTER project that will take place in Bucharest in August 2014. Hurry up! 

Call for Romanian applicants: Training of Trainers, Newcastle, UK

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the "Training trainers: the new generation" European project that will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, from 5th until 14th of May 2014. This is a training course aimed to train youth workers to become trainers and provide them with the theory, skills and tools necessary to design implement and evaluate effective training programmes themselves in order to generate optimum learning outcomes and improved performance.

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (5th & 6th ed.)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you too apply for NMA 5th and NMA 6th editions!

Call for Romanian participants: Youth exchange in Aveiro, Portugal on the topic of sport, environment and health

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants to take part in the "WAVE project: Surfing for Environment, Sustainability, Health in the Atlantic Ocean" that will take place near Aveiro, Portugal, from 19th to 29th of June 2014. This is a "Youth in action" project.

Call for Romanian participants: Youth exchange in Gdansk, Poland on the topic of intercultural dialogue

GEYC is selecting 8 Romanian participants to take part in the "WALL ON THE HIGH TIDE" European project that will take place near Gdansk, Poland, from 16th to 24th of July 2014. This is an intercultural dialogue project aimed to raise awareness regarding the other cultures.

Call for Romanian participants: Youth exchange in Gaziantep, Turkey on the topic of photography

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants and a group leader to take part in "Artistic of learning methods and transnational socio-cultural changes" European project which will be held in Gaziantep, Turkey, from 23rd to 30th of March 2014.

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (4th & 5th ed.)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our first three edition applicants, we invite you too apply for NMA 4th and NMA 5th editions!

Call for 2 Romanian participants for an artistic training course in Lviv, Ukraine

AMSED (France) is selecting 2 Romanian participants for an artistic training course which will be held from 11th to 21st of October in Lviv, Ukraine. The project is organized in the frame of "Youth in action" program.

Call for Romanian participants for a training course on active participation of young people - Finland

GEYC is searching 3 Romanian participants to take part in ”PRAXIS - Giving young people the opportunity”, a training course organized in the frame of ”Youth in action” program from 25th of November until 1st of December 2013 in Konnevesi, Finland.

Call for British participants - SMYLE project in Romania

S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment project is a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized by GEYC in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. 

Open calls for Romanian participants - European mobilities

Do you like arts? Are you concerned about democracy issues especially in the context of new media? Would you like to learn more about European citizenship? Wanna visit France or Poland? GEYC invites you to apply for one of our European projects this autumn. It is your chance to improve your skills at European level. Don't miss the chance!

Call for Romanian participants for "Kick of" international training course in Bologna, Italy

GEYC is selecting two Romanian participants to take part at "Kick off" European project which will be held in Bologna, Italy, from 23rd of September till the 1st of October

Call for applicants - opened positions at GEYC Resources Center

GEYC Resources Center is opening new internship positions available for the next months. Please check the links below for further details.

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (3rd & 4th ed.)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our first two edition applicants, we invite you too apply for NMA 3rd and NMA 4th editions!

Call for Romanian participants for European projects taking place this summer!

GEYC is searching Romanian participants to take part in the projects taking place this summer. You can find more information below.  Good luck!

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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