Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts

Annual report / Raport anual - 2014

EN: GEYC publishes its annual report for 2014. The document includes the main information about our activity, community impact and financial reporting; all in all to prove once again organisation's transparency towards its sponsors, donors and other stakeholders.

RO: GEYC își publică raportul anual pentru 2014. Documentul include principalele informații despre activitatea noastră, impactul la nivelul comunității și raportarea financiară; toate acestea pentru a arăta încă o dată transparența organizației față de sponsori, donatori și celelalte părți interesate.

Annual report 2014

In the lines below you can see a timeline of our activities in 2014.

Campania SMARTER: Acordarea titlurilor SMARTER Student

Odată cu finalizarea jurizării, ne revine plăcerea să anunțăm rezultatele competiției „SMARTER Student”.

Jurizare - Concurs National "99 Steps for my dream job"

Ne revine plăcerea de a vă prezenta componența comisiei de jurizare a Concursului Național ”99 Steps for my dream job”, concurs derulat în cadrul Campaniei SMARTER.

Story: On top of the cultural tide

GEYC took part in the project "Wall on the high tide", an European exchange held between 16th and 24th July 2014, in Gdansk, Poland involving young people from Poland, Turkey and Romania.

The main objective of this project was to debate upon the differences between cultures, to find similarities and also to raise awareness regarding the importance of cultural diversity .

Call for 3 Romanian participants: European training course in Poland/August 2014

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants to take part in the "Let’s Play life" European project that will take place in Poznan, Poland, from 11th until 19th of August 2014. 
This is a training course aimed at contributing to the development of youth policies in the European Union and promotion of innovative educational methods and non-formal education.

GEYC vă prezintă Rezultatele alegerilor din 2009 vs. 2014 pentru Parlamentul European

GEYC vă prezintă rezultatele alegerilor europarlamentare din 25 mai 2014. Informațiile de mai jos sunt preluate direct de la Parlamentul European.

SMARTER project (home page)

About the project
The project aims to empower the participants to implement employability projects at local level by using social media tools.

O1. Enabling participants to use social media tools for the communication, promotion and management of their projects aiming to raise employment of young people;
O2. Stimulating participants to share their personal and professional practices in using social media in youth work through teamwork and networking;
O3. Raising the employability of the participants through improving social media skills and through personal branding;
O4. Promoting the European cooperation in the youth field by the use of social media.

The project is organized by GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change (Romania) as applicant together with GEYC Resources Center and 13 European partner organisations from France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey.
The project is financed by the European Commission through "Youth in action" programme.


CampaignTrainingEDYS99 steps exhibition

Ebook: Social Networks Management Policies


View full ebook on SlideshareDownload full ebook (.pdf)
Download policy template (.docx)View GEYC's social media policy on Slideshare

SMARTER project (RO-43-E107-2013-R3) is co-financed by the European Commission through ”Youth in action” program (4.3). The content of this material does not necesarely reflect the official position of the European Union, the entire responsibility being taken by its author (GEYC association). 

Invitație: „Fii schimbarea pentru România” (3)

GEYC vă invită să luați parte la un nou eveniment din seria „Fii schimbarea pentru România”, eveniment ce va avea loc la București (Class**** Hotel București) pe 20 martie 2014 (orele 19-21) avându-l ca protagonist pe domnul Călin Donca - speaker, antreprenor și trainer. Intrarea liberă!

Call for Maltese participants - SMARTER training course / 22-31.08.2014 / Bucharest, Romania

Are you interested in social media? Do you want to find out how social media can help you in your professional life? Are you eager to visit Romania and get to know people coming from all over Europe? Then you should apply for the SMARTER project that will take place in Bucharest in August 2014. Hurry up! 

Comunicat de presă: Volunteers Fest

În calitate de partener al proiectului, GEYC vă invită să luați parte la:

Cel mai mare cros dedicat voluntarilor și peste 25 de activități educative 
la cea de-a doua ediție Volunteers Fest
Volunteers Fest oferă tuturor voluntarilor acces gratuit la activități creative, aplicative, educative, sportive, precum și culturale. Evenimentul se desfășoară în perioada 22 martie – 6 aprilie

Volunteers Fest, singurul festival din România dedicat voluntarilor, își redeschide porțile în perioada 22 martie – 6 aprilie. Evenimentul își propune să stimuleze dezvoltarea pe mai multe segmente a voluntarilor, facilitându-le accesul gratuit la diverse activități și, în aceeași măsură, să promoveze și să susțină voluntariatul în rândul tinerilor.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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