Annual report 2014

In the lines below you can see a timeline of our activities in 2014.

GEYC's activities

Programs, projects, campaigns
EDYS - European Digital Youth SummitSMARTER - Social Media Academy: Raise Teen Employability ResourcesGEYC Resources CenterNo hate speech movementSMYLE - Social Media & Youth - Learning for EmploymentVisualize

Supported activities
SHAPING EUROPE 2020: SOCIO- ECONOMIC RESEARCHImagine LeadershipC.A.E.S.A.R. Young Researchers’ WorkshopNEXT International Film Festival, RomaniaVolunteers Fest, RomaniaScoala de HR, Romania

Learning Center

Mobility center

Resources Center

  • GEYC's Resources center - a free online platform offering multimedia and social media resources for individuals and nonprofits;

Youth Center

  • GEYC's Facebook page - an informative portal for young people providing valuable content in the following fields: news, education, entrepreneurship, responsibility, human rights, Romanian culture and civilization, Culture and intercultural dialogue and entertainment.
  • GEYC Community - a community of young people from Romania collaborating, sharing information and working together;
  • (February-March, Romania) - USE (United, Stronger, European) campaign against discrimination;
  • (22th of March - 6th of April, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Volunteers Fest” - a festival organized by Brigada de Voluntari;
  • (February, 15th-16th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”HR Strategic partner” national conference organized by ASPSE in the frame of „Școala de HR” (HR School);
  • (2014, Romania) - „Fii schimbarea pentru România” ("Be the change for Romania") campaign;

Our news

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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