Showing posts with label annual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label annual. Show all posts

2018 in review: GEYC's main achievements

It has been a wonderful year, full of achievements and stories to tell. We would like to end the year by sharing our main achievements. Look through the album below and read about our main activities and initiatives in 2018.

2017 in review: GEYC's main achievements

It has been a challenging year, with a lot of achievements and stories to tell. We would like to end the year by sharing our main achievements in 2017.

Happy New Year,

Annual report / Raport anual - GEYC - 2016

It is our pleasure to announce the launch of our annual report for 2016. The document includes the main achievements of our organisation in the past year.

Ne revine plăcerea de a anunța lansarea raportului nostru anual pentru anul 2016. Documentul include pricipalele realizări de anul trecut ale organizației noastre.

Annual report / Raport anual - 2014

EN: GEYC publishes its annual report for 2014. The document includes the main information about our activity, community impact and financial reporting; all in all to prove once again organisation's transparency towards its sponsors, donors and other stakeholders.

RO: GEYC își publică raportul anual pentru 2014. Documentul include principalele informații despre activitatea noastră, impactul la nivelul comunității și raportarea financiară; toate acestea pentru a arăta încă o dată transparența organizației față de sponsori, donatori și celelalte părți interesate.

Annual report 2014

In the lines below you can see a timeline of our activities in 2014.

Annual Report/ Raport anual GEYC 2013

GEYC is proudly presenting our annual report for 2013 including the major achievements, partners and cooperation we had. We believe that being transparent towards the community should be one of the very basic principles of each sustainable and reliable organisation.

GEYC are plăcerea de a vă prezenta raportul de activitate pentru anul 2013 cuprinzând aici cele mai importante realizări, partenerii care ne-au fost alături și cooperările pe care le-am avut. Credem că a fi transparent față de comunitate ar trebui să fie unul dintre principiile de bază ale oricărei organizații sustenabile și de încredere. 

Annual report 2013

In the lines below you will find a summary of our activities in 2013.

Permanent activities

  • GEYC's Resources center - a free online platform offering multimedia and social media resources for individuals and nonprofits;
  • GEYC's Facebook page - an informative portal for young people providing valuable content in the following fields: news, education, entrepreneurship, responsibility, human rights, Romanian culture and civilization, Culture and intercultural dialogue and entertainment.
  • GEYC Community - a community of young people from Romania collaborating, sharing information and working together;

Annual report 2012

In the lines below you will find a summary of our activities in 2012. 

Annual report 2011

In the lines below you will find a summary of our activities in 2011.

Educational projects

Intercultural projects

Research projects



    Annual report 2010

    In the lines below you will find a summary of our activities in 2010.

    Intercultural projects

    Research projects




    • (December 3rd, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Organizational change - leading dynamic organizations” - a seminar held by Junior Achievement Romania;
    • (October, 20th, 2010, Bucharest, Romania) - ”The crisis of statism and the way out” - conference held by ”Ludwig von Mises” - Romania Institute;
    • (October, 12th, 2010, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Learn how to make a choice! Private pension, a ”young” decision” - seminar held by CSSPP in partnership with ASE and Students Senate;
    • (October, 7th, 2010, Bucharest, Romania) - "Nongovernmental sector after 20 years - achievements and chalenges" - conference held by FDSC;
    • (September 2010, 22nd, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Entrepreneur 360” Forum organized by BizCampus Network;
    • (September 2010, 15th, Bucharest, Romania) - "What is the future of social economy in Romania?" - conference held by FDSC within the strategic project "Prometeus" financed by POS DRU (SOP HRD);
    • (September, 2nd-8th, 2010, Arieseni, Alba county, Romania) - "Photography and speleology camp" organized by the National Authority of Sports and Youth from Romania;
    • (August 29th - September 2010, 5th, Poiana Brasov, Brasov county, Romania) - "Recruitment and job equality" training course organized by the University of Bucharest in the same named project financed by POS DRU (SOP HRD); 
    • (August 2010, 18th-24th, Eforie Nord, Constanta county, Romania) - The  project "The borders of knowledge - PR & Communication modulus" held  by the National Authority of Sports and Youth from Romania;
    • (July, 16-18, 2010, Predeal, Prahova County, Romania) -  "Career planning and guidance" training course organized by "Young Goldfish Association" and ONG SIS with the financial support of Soros Foundation
    • (July, 7th;21th, 2010, Bucharest, Romania) - ”PR Boutique” training course organized by Russenart Communications;  
    • (May, 3rd-5th, 2010; Bucharest, Romania) - ”National Arts Festival for Highschool students Florian Pittiș” organized by the Students Council of National Highschool ”Gheorghe Lazăr”;

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      GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

      Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

      All rights reserved • 2010-2025