Annual report / Raport anual - GEYC - 2016

It is our pleasure to announce the launch of our annual report for 2016. The document includes the main achievements of our organisation in the past year.

Ne revine plăcerea de a anunța lansarea raportului nostru anual pentru anul 2016. Documentul include pricipalele realizări de anul trecut ale organizației noastre.

Education is the most powerful tool we have to change the world. Tolerance is the second best.

Educația este cel mai puternic instrument pentru a schimba lumea. Toleranța este cel de-al doilea.
Gabriel BREZOIU, General Manager - GEYC  

Click here to read the Annual Report 2016 (EN/RO)

EVS projects

  1. (February 1st, 2016 - January 31st, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania) - "Be a part of Children and Youth Clubs!", European Voluntary Service (EVS) project coordinated by Saltes through Erasmus+ programme;
  2. (August 2016 - June 2017, Skærbæk, Denmark) - "Living Cultures" European Voluntary Service (EVS) project hosted by Dansk ICYE through Erasmus+ programme;
  3. (September 2016 - July 2017, Nimes, France) - "A piece of Europe in my schools" European Voluntary Service (EVS) project hosted by La Maison de l’Europe de Nîmes through Erasmus+ programme;
  4. (September 2016 - July 2017, Aveiro, Portugal) - "PeeKaBoo: improving key competencies while working with children" European Voluntary Service (EVS) project coordinated by Agora Aveiro through Erasmus+ programme;
  5. (September 2016 - September 2017, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) - "Gateway to an united world" European Voluntary Service (EVS) project hosted by Wereld Esperanto-Jongeren Organisatie (TEJO) through Erasmus+ programme;
  6. (January 2017 - January 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) - "IEA Involve-Enjoy-Achieve" European Voluntary Service (Erasmus+, KA1) hosted by Opportunity International;
  7. (January 2017 - January 2018, Athens, Greece) - "EVS against discrimination" European Voluntary Service (Erasmus+, KA1) hosted by NGO Civis Plus;
    Finished projects:
  8. (September 4th 2015 - July 4th 2016, Tudela, Spain) - "Mas cercas de las personas" European Voluntary Service (EVS) project hosted by Cruz Roja de Tudela through Erasmus+ programme;
  9. (November, 2015 - September, 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) - "E-nergy V-itality S-trength", European Voluntary Service (EVS) project hosted by OpportUNITY International through Erasmus+ programme;
  10. (July - November 2016, Aveiro, Portugal) - "Do STH nice" European Voluntary Service (EVS) project hosted by Agora Aveiro through Erasmus+ programme;
  11. (February 1st - November 30th, 2016, Humlebæk, Denmark) - "Walk the talk", European Voluntary Service (EVS) project hosted by Crossing Borders through Erasmus+ programme;
  12. (October 27th - December 24th, Denizli, Turkey) - "Voluntary Service in Pamukkale - 2" European Voluntary Service (EVS) hosted by Pamukkale Municipality;

Past projects

  1. (6-14 January 2016, Cannakale, Turkey) - "CTRL+ALT+DEL CYBERBULLYING!" training course organized by Local Heroes (Erasmus+, KA1);
  2. (18-26 January 2016, Flaxley - Gloucestershire, UK) - "Act for your Community! Training on Community development" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  3. (29 January - 5 February 2016, Isparta, Turkey) - "My Profession is My Future" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  4. (1-7 February 2016, Manchester, UK) - "Social and Economic Re-Integration; Pathway to Human Dignity and Equality for all" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  5. (5-7 February 2016, Agros, Cyprus) - "Youth in C.R.I.S.I.S." advance planning visit (Erasmus+, KA1);
  6. (6-8 February, 2016, Catania, Italy) - "Working on getting a job" advanced planning visit (Erasmus+, KA1);
  7. (6-13 February 2016, Limassol, Cyprus) - "Combating religious discrimination"  youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  8. (15-21 February 2016, La Vancelle, France) - "Cultural Rendezvous Through Beatboxing" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  9. (25 February - 2 March 2016, Sarezzo, Italy) - "Knocking on NFE's Door - Active Citizenship” training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  10. (29 February - 6 March 2016, Malta) - "Communication matters II" seminar organized by National Agency of Erasmus+ in Malta;
  11. (1-9 March 2016, Flaxley - Gloucestershire, UK) - "Community development through social ecology" training course (Erasmus+, KA1)
  12. (4-16 March 2016, Catania, Italy) - "Working on getting a job" Project (Erasmus+, KA1);
  13. (12-19 March 2016, Agros, Cyprus) - "Youth in C.R.I.S.I.S." cultural youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  14. (1-8 April  2016, Poronin, Poland) - "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  15. (2-9 April 2016, Strasbourg, France) - "Model European Union Strasbourg" simulation (Erasmus+, KA3);
  16. (10-12 April 2016, Vidrike, Estonia) - "Stop feeling  sorry, start acting(Erasmus+, KA1);
  17. (12-19 April 2016, Santa Lucia de Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Spain) - "Youth and cultural movement" organized by "Y por que no?" Association (Erasmus+, KA1);
  18. (23 April - 1 May, 2016, La Vancelle, France) - "What is life" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  19. (25 April - 2 May 2016, Bayburt, Turkey) - "Social Detox" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  20. (2-4 May 2016, Aachen, Germany) - "Charlemagne Youth Prize Ceremony" organized by the European Parliament and Karlspreis Foundation;
  21. (6-14 May, 2016, Bucharest, Romania) - "European Quality in Youth Projects (EQYP)" training course organized by GEYC (Erasmus+, KA1);
  22. (9-17 May, 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden) - "Training for Trainers" training course (Erasmus+, KA1) hosted by Newality;
  23. (19-27 May 2016, Rudnik, Serbia) - "Sustainable development and youth work" (Erasmus+, KA2);
  24. (20-21 May 2016, Strasbourg, France) - European Youth Event organized by the European Parliament;
  25. (31 May - 8 June 2016, Gloucestershire, UK) - Training Course on Intergenerational Dialogue (Erasmus+, KA1);
  26. (7 - 12 July 2016, Ganja, Azerbaijan) - "European experience in volunteering in Caucasus region" study visit organized by "Bridge to the future" Youth Public Union;
  27. (11-17 July 2016, Petrosani, Romania) - Rhythm youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  28. (16-24 July 2016, Yerevan, Armenia) - "The Power of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  29. (16-25 July 2016, Horni Marsov, Czech Republic) - "Growing Tree" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  30. (17-21 July 2016, Belfast, UK) - "Economic and Social Re-Integration; Pathway to Equality for All" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  31. (17-28 July, 2016, Munster, Germany) - Digital Participation Camp: take the lead! training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  32. (27 July - 3 August 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) - "Erasmus+US2" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  33. (2 - 7 August 2016, Viroinval, Belgium) - "Place aux Jeunes! Des exchanges par les Jeunes" training course organized by the Erasmus+ National Agency in Belgium; 
  34. (1 - 8 August 2016, Trnava, Slovakia) - "Entrepreneurial entry" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  35. (19-30 August 2016, Prcanj, Montenegro) - "Balkans without hate" (Erasmus+, KA2);
  36. (2-9 September 2016, Poronin, Poland) - "Create-Social-Recources (CSR)" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  37. (3-11 September 2016, Rudnik, Serbia) - "Sustainable development and youth work" (Erasmus+, KA2);
  38. (5-15 September 2016, Ganties, France) - Your body is a voice training course organized by Solafrika (Erasmus+, KA1);
  39. (11-18 September 2016, Viljandimaa, Estonia) - "From experts to sexperts" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  40. (13-18 September 2016,  Yerevan, Armenia) - "European Quality in Youth Projects (EQYP)" seminar organized by GEYC together with EWB NGO (Erasmus+, KA1);
  41. (18-23 September 2016, Barcelona, Spain) - "Real deeds in problematic fields" seminar (Erasmus+, KA1);
  42. (29–30 September 2016, Tallinn, Estonia) - “Culture 4D: Digitization, Data, Disruptions, Diversity” -  3rd Council of Europe Platform Exchange on Culture and Digitisation; 
  43. (1-9 October, 2016, London, UK) - kNOw Vacancies youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  44. (2-9 October, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia) - "Model European Union Zagreb - MEUZ" simulation (Erasmus+, KA3);
  45. (6-14 October, Izmir, Turkey) - "Escape to unknown" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  46. (10-17 October, 2016, Cosenza, Italy) - "P.E.A.C.E. Participation, Ethic, Active, Citizenship, Europe" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  47. (15-25 October 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia) - "Seeds for sustainable development" job shadowing (Erasmus+, KA2);
  48. (16-21 October 2016, Madrid, Spain) - "Step by step against exclusion" (Erasmus+, KA1);
  49. (17-20 October, 2016, Brussels, Belgium) - "Promoters for European Democracy" study visit organized by the European Parliament Information Office in Romania;
  50. (19-28 October, 2016, Porto, Portugal) - "Entrepreneurship for inclusion" youth exchange as part of the "European Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship" (Erasmus+, KA1);
  51. (23-26 October, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece) - "3R - No time to lose! Reduce, Recycle, Reuse" advance planning visit organized by Youth in Advancement 18 (Erasmus+, KA1);
  52. (24-30 October, 2016, La Vancelle, France) - "Be an European citizen, become an eco-citizen" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  53. (25 October - 3rd November 2016, Izmit, Turkey) - "Take initiative for refugees" (Erasmus+; KA1);
  54. (12-19 November 2016, Liberec, Czech Republic) - "Let's play" training course (Erasmus+; KA1);
  55. (13-15 November 2016, Malaga, Spain) - "eSkills for Volunteers" kick off meeting (Erasmus+; KA2) led by Associacion Projuven
  56. (13-20 November 2016, Topola, Serbia) - "Young Active Europeans" training course (Erasmus+, KA2);
  57. (15-22 November 2016, Malaga, Spain) - "Exploit your diversity" training course organized by Associacion Projuven (Erasmus+; KA1);
  58. (16-22 November, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece) - "3R - No time to lose! Reduce, Recycle, Reuse" youth exchange organized by Youth in Advancement 18 (Erasmus+, KA1);
  59. (17-19 November 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) - "IEA Involve-Enjoy-Achieve" European Voluntary Service APV - advanced planning visit (Erasmus+, KA1) hosted by Opportunity International;
  60. (18-27 November 2016, Paralimni, Cypru) - "Include me" youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  61. (19-27 November 2016, Voroneț, Romania) - "Gadget Addiction in Teenage - GATE" training course organized by ARVIS Solutions (Erasmus+; KA1);
  62. (21-25 November 2016, Granada, Spain) - "Glocal Dialogue" contact making seminar for KA3  organized by Somos la Otra (Erasmus+; KA1);
  63. (27 November - 4 December 2016, Ferrara, Italy) - "We are the champions: empowerment for employability" training course (Erasmus+, KA1);
  64. (29 November - 7 December 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) - Training 4 Trainers (Erasmus+, KA1);
  65. (29 November  - 6 December 2016, Stockholm, Sweden) - "Time to engage" (Erasmus+; KA1);
  66. (8 - 16 December 2016, Stockholm, Sweden) - "YIELD - Youth inclusion through entrepreneurial learning drive" (Erasmus+; KA1);
  67. (12-20 December 2016, Paralimni, Cyprus) - I can youth exchange (Erasmus+, KA1);
  68. (15-24 December 2016, Ankara, Turkey) - "The Role of Global Peach and Youth" training course (Erasmus+; KA1);
  69. (18-20 December 2016, Strasbourg, France) - Workshop on political participation organized by FERYP;

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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