Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts

Annual report 2013

In the lines below you will find a summary of our activities in 2013.

Permanent activities

  • GEYC's Resources center - a free online platform offering multimedia and social media resources for individuals and nonprofits;
  • GEYC's Facebook page - an informative portal for young people providing valuable content in the following fields: news, education, entrepreneurship, responsibility, human rights, Romanian culture and civilization, Culture and intercultural dialogue and entertainment.
  • GEYC Community - a community of young people from Romania collaborating, sharing information and working together;

SMYLE: Conferința Națională de încheiere a proiectului

GEYC a organizat Conferința Națională SMYLE la București pe 17 decembrie 2013 în cadrul proiectului european ”SMYLE - Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment” finanțat prin programul „Tineret în acțiune”. Evenimentul și-a propus creșterea gradului de conștientizare al tuturor factorilor implicați cu privire la importanța competențelor digitale pentru angajabilitatea tinerilor. 

Call for applicants - opened positions at GEYC Resources Center

GEYC Resources Center is opening new internship positions available for the next months. Please check the links below for further details.

Black & White are not colours!
Choose what colour you want to be!

EN: GEYC marks The International Day against Racism (March 21) by organizing an awareness campaign at national level in Romania, both online and offline starting with March 16 until March 24, 2013. This initiative is part of two big worldwide events: the “No hate speech movement” campaign started by Council of Europe and ”European Action Week Against Racism” started by the UNITED network.

RO: GEYC marchează ziua internațională împotriva rasismului - 21 martie prin organizarea unei campanii de conștientizare a discriminării la nivel național în România atât în format online, cât și offline în perioada 16-24 martie 2013. Inițiativa face parte din două mișcări de seamă la nivel mondial, respectiv campania ”No hate speech movement” inițiată de Consiliul Europei și ”European Action Week Against Racism” organizată de rețeaua UNITED. 

Advanced training on quality (ATOQ)

From 19 to 24 February 2013 GEYC took part at ATOQ - Advanced training on quality of youth exchanges in Taastrup, Denmark. The event was organized by the National Agencies from Denmark and France.

Call for partners: Youth exchange (YiA, 1.1) in Sicily on the topic of unemployment

We invite you to be a partner of ”Open the door to the work – O.D.W”, a youth exchange organized by the Municipality of Roccalumera in partnership with GEYC on the topic of unemployment from 22 to 29 July 2013 in Roccalumera, Italy.

Our news

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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