Showing posts with label discrimination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discrimination. Show all posts

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace: sport as a universal language

Today, 6 April, is the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP). Every year on this date we celebrate the role of sport in our daily lives, its ability to create new relationships, a sense of community and to promote development and social change. 

Training Course - [FR-272] Act ForWords, 01.10.2019-11.10.2019, Bedeille, Franța

În perioada 1 - 11 octombrie 2019 a avut loc cursul de formare Erasmus+ „ Act ForWords”, bazat pe tema luptei împotriva discriminării prin metode inovatoare (teatru forum). Proiectul a avut loc în Bedeille, Franța, și a avut participanți din următoarele țări: Estonia, Belgia, Cipru, Grecia, Macedonia și România.

Youth Exchange: [PL-262] European stage, 11.07.2019-18.07.2019, Poronin, Poland

Finding ways to effectively tackle the subject of discrimination and xenophobia towards refugees and migrants is, indeed, challenging but possible. Between 11 and 18 July 2019, Poronin, Poland, young people from 5 European countries (Romania, Portugal, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Poland) took part in the youth exchange “European stage”. Serban, Constantin-Andrei, Andrei George, Ana-Diana, Bianca Stefania, Carmen, Ana Maria, and Călin had the chance to develop the knowledge and skills to respond appropriately to these issues. 

TC, A world without discrimination, Ödemiş, Turkey

In the mid of April (22-30), two amazing #GEYCuleți went to Turkey to take part in a Training Course aiming to discover what form discrimination takes in the European context.  

YE- "A step for respect", France

Do you know what happened between 21th-31th of March? Another amazing Youth Exchange in France "A step for respect", where the participants got a better understanding of one of the most frequent social issues nowadays: discrimination.

TC - „LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY", Wisła, Poland

This training course was mostly about discrimination and social inclusion. It took part in a beautiful town in Poland, named Wisla, in the middle of the nature full covered in white. There were participants from Spain, France, Macedonia, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Turkey having two well trained facilitators from Poland and Russia.

“Step by step against exclusion” în spectaculoasa metropolă spaniolă

Ana-Maria: „Șase zile în capitala țării lui Goya, Picasso și Dali, în care Zâna Măseluță nu există. Șase zile în orașul împărțit în 21 de districte, zile pe care ploaia nu a reușit să le strice.”

Book your place NOW at EDYS2016

European Digital Youth Summit 2nd edition aims to foster youth participation by using digital tools in order to fight online hate speechEDYS 2016 will bring together youngsters, inspiring keynote speakers, educators and stakeholders. Limited seats available. APPLY until November 3, 2016.

Call for 5 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Limassol, Cyprus (6-13 February 2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Combating religious discrimination" European project that will take place in Limassol, Cyprus from 6 to 13 February 2016. The main aim of this youth exchange is to enable the participants in understanding human rights and the right to a freedom of religion. Deadline: 22 December 2015 | Apply now!

European Action Week Against Racism: USE Campaign in Romania

European Action Week Against Racism took place between 15th and 23rd of March 2014. In this way, UNITED joined the efforts of Council of Europe regarding ”No Hate Speech Movement”. 
In this frame, GEYC initiated ”USE - United, Stronger, European” campaign that had the initiative to involve various high-school and institutions from across the country in order to promote tolerance, diversity and nondiscrimination as values of a European citizen.

Apel parteneri locali: Campania UNITED împotriva rasismului

GEYC invită organizațiile din România să se alăture Campaniei internaționale UNITED împotriva rasismului ce va avea loc în perioada 15-23 martie 2014. Evenimentele selectate vor fi promovate la nivel național și internațional și pot beneficia de până la 2 kg de materiale ale campaniei (fliere, postere etc.) în mod gratuit.

No hate: Petition: make 22 July the European Day for Victims of Hate Crime!

GEYC signed the petition: "make 22 July the European Day for Victims of Hate Crime!". This is part of "No hate speech movement" initiated by Council of Europe.

Open your mind - what is discrimination?!
Deschide-ți mintea - ce este discriminarea?!

EN: Despite the fact that nowadays discrimination is a widely debated phenomenon, not everybody is aware of it, acts or pays attention when witnessing or being involved in a discrimination act. Even though according to some studies, both the national and the European levels of discrimination have improved in 2012 compared to the situation in 2009, we are still confronting a negative attitude when it comes to changing beliefs towards minorities.

RO: În ciuda faptului că în ziua de azi discriminarea este un fenomen larg dezbătut, nu toată lumea este conştientă, acţionează sau dă atenţie atunci când este martoră sau implicată într-un act de discriminare. Conform unor studii, situaţia discriminării la nivel naţional şi european s-a îmbunătăţit în anul 2012 în raport cu anul 2009, însă tot ne confruntăm cu o atitudine negativă atunci când vine vorba de schimbarea mentalităţii faţă de minorităţi.

Black & White are not colours!
Choose what colour you want to be!

EN: GEYC marks The International Day against Racism (March 21) by organizing an awareness campaign at national level in Romania, both online and offline starting with March 16 until March 24, 2013. This initiative is part of two big worldwide events: the “No hate speech movement” campaign started by Council of Europe and ”European Action Week Against Racism” started by the UNITED network.

RO: GEYC marchează ziua internațională împotriva rasismului - 21 martie prin organizarea unei campanii de conștientizare a discriminării la nivel național în România atât în format online, cât și offline în perioada 16-24 martie 2013. Inițiativa face parte din două mișcări de seamă la nivel mondial, respectiv campania ”No hate speech movement” inițiată de Consiliul Europei și ”European Action Week Against Racism” organizată de rețeaua UNITED. 

Step in! Be Active Against Racist Propaganda and Hate Speech Online!

lossy-page1-250px-UNITED_logo.tiffFrom 9 to 15 December 2012, GEYC takes part at ”Step in! Be Active Against Racist Propaganda and Hate Speech Online!” study session in Strasbourg, France. The event is organized by United for Intercultural Action and Youth Department from Council of Europe.

Combating Discrimination against Migrant and Roma Minorities - educational achievements and results

EN: Between 18th and 28th of September 2012, GEYC participated to the TC "Combating Discrimination against Migrant and Roma Minorities" organised in Rosheim, France by AMSED
RO: În perioada 18-28 Septembrie 2012, GEYC a participat la trainingul „Combaterea discriminării rromilor și a populațiilor migrante” organizat în Rosheim, Franța de către AMSED

Combating discrimination towards migrant and Roma minorities

From 18th to 28th of September, GEYC will participate at ”Combating discrimination towards migrant and Roma minorities” European project which will be held in Strasbourg, France. This is a training course organized by AMSED with the financial support of European Commission through "Youth in action" program.

Training course on the topic of forced migration at European level

GEYC supports ”Knowing, understanding and acting” - a training course organized by AMSED from 4th to 14th May, in Lviv, Ukraine on the topic of forced migration at European level.

”For Diversity. Against Discrimination” - an EU campaign

GEYC supports ”For Diversity. Against discrimination” - an European Commission campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of discrimination and increase understanding of the EU laws which exist to protect us all. It also strives to generate debate on the themes of diversity and discrimination and in particular on how people in Europe stand to gain from greater equality.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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