Showing posts with label hate speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate speech. Show all posts

A început proiectul „Young Digital Leaders”, Ediția II, o inițiativă și implementat de ISD (UK) și GEYC

RO: Echipa GEYC a dat startul activităților din cadrul proiectului „Young Digital Leaders” la Colegiul Național „Nichita Stănescu” din Ploiești. Proiectul a fost inițiat de și este coordonat de către ISD (UK) în parteneriat cu GEYC.

EN: The GEYC team kicked off the activities of the "Young Digital Leaders" project at ”Nichita Stănescu” National College in Ploieşti. The project was initiated by and is coordinated by ISD (UK) in partnership with GEYC.

Young Digital Leaders Impact Report

Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide education pilot project aiming to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills, so that they can become tomorrow’s digital leaders.

Call for participants - TC Hate speech fighters, 11.09.2018-18.09.2018, Bansko, Bulgaria

We are looking for 3 Romanian participants to take part in the Project ‘’Hate Speech Fighters’', a training course for youth workers involving 3 trainers and 30 youth workers from 10 countries in Europe and the Caucasus-Bulgaria ,Spain, Italy The Netherlands, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

EVS "Volunteers 4 Tolerance ", 15.05.2018-14.06.2018, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

The EVS "Volunteers 4 Tolerance " which took place in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, from 15th of May to 14th of June involved 28 volunteers from Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Romania, Spain and Turkey and was hosted by our partners from Alternativi International.

TC - "No more time 4 hate", Málaga, Spain

The Training Course „No more time 4 hate”, which took place in Torremolinos (Málaga area), Spain, between 24th and 31st of May 2018, was not just an occasion to interact with different people, but also an opportunity to „change the world”, as our participants told us.

TC, A world without discrimination, Ödemiş, Turkey

In the mid of April (22-30), two amazing #GEYCuleți went to Turkey to take part in a Training Course aiming to discover what form discrimination takes in the European context.  

România se alătură inițiativei ”Young Digital Leaders” / Romania is now joining Young Digital Leaders

RO: Google și ISD sunt de părere că tinerii trebuie să joace un rol activ în a crea o comunitate online amuzantă, pozitivă și energică. Ne dorim să dezvoltăm competențele necesare pentru ca tinerii să facă cele mai bune decizii în mediul online. Ne referim astfel la a-i învăța cum să devină lideri digitali, nu doar niște simpli cetățeni -- să știe cum să răspundă troll-ilor din mediul online și când și unde să solicite ajutor.

EN: Google and ISD believe that young people should learn to be upstanders, not bystanders in order to create a fun, positive and vibrant community online. We want to equip young people with the necessary skills so that they can be empowered to make the right choices online. This means learning how to be a digital leader, not just citizen -- to know how to respond to trolls online, and when and where to go for help. 

"Young people on Social Media" - presentation at Anne Frank House

It's a well known fact that nowadays youngsters are spending a lot of their spare time on Social Media platforms. While they enjoy their time on Snapchat, Facebook, Whatsapp and others, both psychologist and parents tend to worry about their mental health and their safety.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day - Q: why should we remember? A: In order not to forget and repeat.

History has a way to repeat everything we did not understand. Over 70 years ago, 6 million Jewish people, 2 million Romani people, 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9,000 homosexual men were killed by one of the most horrible genocides in history. 
Today, we live in a modern world with high human rights laws and standards, but still discrimination is everywhere, it is rising and the risks of radicalization is imminent. GEYC, as a member of PRISMA European Network stands for human rights and launches today the final findings of HaSpe research.

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training course in Istanbul, Turkey, January 2015

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants to take part in the “European Cooperative Youth Network for Human Rights Online” European project that will take place in Istanbul, Turkey from 17th (arrival day) until 25nd (departure day) of January 2015. This is a training course that aims to find solution for combating all forms of hate speech online.

Apel parteneri locali: Campania UNITED împotriva rasismului

GEYC invită organizațiile din România să se alăture Campaniei internaționale UNITED împotriva rasismului ce va avea loc în perioada 15-23 martie 2014. Evenimentele selectate vor fi promovate la nivel național și internațional și pot beneficia de până la 2 kg de materiale ale campaniei (fliere, postere etc.) în mod gratuit.

Step in! Be Active Against Racist Propaganda and Hate Speech Online!

lossy-page1-250px-UNITED_logo.tiffFrom 9 to 15 December 2012, GEYC takes part at ”Step in! Be Active Against Racist Propaganda and Hate Speech Online!” study session in Strasbourg, France. The event is organized by United for Intercultural Action and Youth Department from Council of Europe.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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