Showing posts with label migration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label migration. Show all posts
The start of our new Erasmus+ KA210-YOU | Crossroads – An experiential learning approach to the intersectionality of global issues for marginalised young people
climate change,
Global Goals,
young people
Youth Exchange: [PL-262] European stage, 11.07.2019-18.07.2019, Poronin, Poland
Finding ways to effectively tackle the subject of discrimination and xenophobia towards refugees and migrants is, indeed, challenging but possible. Between 11 and 18 July 2019, Poronin, Poland, young people from 5 European countries (Romania, Portugal, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Poland) took part in the youth exchange “European stage”. Serban, Constantin-Andrei, Andrei George, Ana-Diana, Bianca Stefania, Carmen, Ana Maria, and Călin had the chance to develop the knowledge and skills to respond appropriately to these issues.
social inclusion,
youth exchange
RefugeE++: communication techniques for refugees projects
As the issue of refugees/migrants has become one of the main global and European challenges and efficient communication on such a hot topic is a difficult task, RefugeE++ is a 7-day youth workers mobility, involving 13 partner organizations and 30 youth workers, aiming to create for youth workers from participant organizations, a professional intercultural space to develop competences, share best practices and network, regarding how to efficiently communicate, make visible and disseminate results of E+ projects dealing with refugees/migrants issues, both online and offline. The project is a follow-up of RefugE+ project, a 6-day-mobility for youth workers under E+, KA1, which aimed to train youth workers in the project management field and raise their awareness on the refugee/migrants topic.
Refugees problems,
training course
Youth4Integration: innovative youth work methods in dealing with refugees and migrants
"Youth4Integration" is an Erasmus Plus training course led by EuromedEve Italy together with GEYC with the aim of improving the youth work methods in dealing with refugees and migrants.
The participants in the Training Course "Youth4Integration", which took place in Agrigento, Italy, from 23rd of September to 1st of October, shared their thoughts on the importance of tolerance in today's society.
mobility of youth workers,
youth work
TC, A world without discrimination, Ödemiş, Turkey
In the mid of April (22-30), two amazing #GEYCuleți went to Turkey to take part in a Training Course aiming to discover what form discrimination takes in the European context.
hate speech,
training course,
youth workers
Youth Exchange: [BG-160] InforMigration, Bansko, Bulgaria
Six enthusiastic GEYCuleți spent about a week in the one of the largest winter resorts of Bulgaria, attending a training course about topics related to migration, refugees, hate speech and human rights. They got the chance to learn the processes, reasons and effects of migration, about climate change and its social, economic, political and environmental consequences and at the end were left with one of the most exciting stories to tell.
erasmus plus,
youth exchange
YE - “YOUth 4 Tolerance”, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
The project “YOUth 4 Tolerance” was a youth exchange that included 44 young people aged 16 to 26 years from Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Spain. The main objectives of the project were to understand the migration processes, to promote a positive attitude, tolerance, solidarity and understanding towards refugees and migrants, to discover hate speech, its causes, roots and consequences and having the ability to distinguish it from freedom of expression, to inform youth about ways and channels for reporting cases of hate speech online, to promote the No hate speech movement among young people.
YE- "A step for respect", France
Do you know what happened between 21th-31th of March? Another amazing Youth Exchange in France "A step for respect", where the participants got a better understanding of one of the most frequent social issues nowadays: discrimination.
YE - "Being a refugee is not my decision" Eskisehir, Turkey
Have you ever heard of Eskisehir? Besides being a lovely city located in Turkey, it was the host of a Youth Exchange, which took place between 8th- 15th of March. It focused on raising awareness about one of the current issues faced nowadays: refugees' crisis.
YE - ''Road of Hope'', Ommen, The Netherlands
From the 7th to the 15th of March, the project called Road of Hope took place in Ommen, The Netherlands. The main topic of the youth exchange was the situation of the immigrants and refugees all over the world and the purpose of this experience was to empathize and try to understand the difficulties these people are going through.
TC- "Youth Hate=Hate Youth", Newcastle, England
As a regular participant of Erasmus project, quite
experimented with non-formal techniques I usually have the tendency of becoming
too technical and abstract disregarding my experience.
TC - "RefugE+" Agrigento, Sicily
Thanks to Erasmus+ Program we, three young people from Romania, (Silvia, Andrei and Dana) had the possibility to visit Agrigento in November, where the weather is so good, although for the locals it means winter. Erasmus+ together with the Sicilian Organization organized a training course about Project Management including the Refugees problems.
project management,
Refugees problems,
training course
Empowering civil society organizations to work with refugees
Over the past few years around 66 million people were forced to leave their home due to conflicts, wars, natural disasters and persecution - approximately one of every 113 people on the planet. Only in the first half of 2017, over 105.000 refugees and migrants arrived to Europe. After crossing international borders their future was unknown. Thus, there was a clear need of support and assistance to refugees and asylum- seekers so they adopt in the hosting countries and build their future.
Managing Diversity towards More Inclusive Societies
Have you ever had that feeling when you are in a crowd of like-mined people who have similar lifestyle and background? It‘s cool to be understood from half a word and easily fit in, isn't it? Many of young people have never felt that way.
TC - "Leading to Equalization", Crete, Greece
First of all we would encourage everyone to apply for Erasmus+ projects. Some of you may have that fear of meeting new people, the “What if they are different from me?” well we all have fears and we are all different and it’s ok. That is one of the main topics of Erasmus projects. For example we came from different parts of our country, two of us (Raul and Silvia) are from Bucharest and two from Cluj (Iulia and Eduard) and only Eduard had past experience with mobility projects. Me, Iulia and Silvia had no prior experience and no idea of what is going to happen. We heard stories from our friends but there is no words for living the actual experience.
TC #REFUGEESWELCOME - Torremolinos, Malaga
Aventura noastră a început în însoritul oraș spaniol, Torremolinos, Malaga, din provincia Andaluzia, unde timp de o săptămână am participat la un proiect pe tema refugiaților, #REFUGEESWELCOME. Ne-am adunat un grup de 18 participanți din 9 țări diferite: România, Spania, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Italia, Grecia, Franța, Austria, Germania, dornici de a colabora și a face lucruri frumoase împreună.
International Youth Day Statement - Gran Canaria 2017
During the "Youth, Power & Future" youth exchange that took part in the middle of August in the sunny island of Gran Canaria, GEYC team had the opportunity to celebrate the International Youth Day along with hundreds of other youngsters from different parts of the world.
New project: Let's take initiative for refugees
Mr Simion Strugar, a GEYC Community member and teacher at "George Coșbuc” National College from Năsăud, Romania will participate together with other 2 youth workers to "Take initiative for refugees" training course in Izmit, Kocaeli, Turkey from 25th of October to 3rd of November 2016.
erasmus plus,
training course,
youth workers
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |