Showing posts with label Lituania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lituania. Show all posts

24 November 2017

Empowering civil society organizations to work with refugees

Over the past few years around 66 million people were forced to leave their home due to conflicts, wars, natural disasters and persecution - approximately one of every 113 people on the planet. Only in the first half of 2017, over 105.000 refugees and migrants arrived to Europe. After crossing international borders their future was unknown. Thus, there was a clear need of support and assistance to refugees and asylum- seekers so they adopt in the hosting countries and build their future.

YE- "Mindful Entrepreneurship", Rokiskis, Lituania

Schimbul de tineret ‘Mindful Entrepreneurship’’ a avut loc în perioada 20-28 Seprembrie 2017, în Rokișkis, Lituania. Proiectul a fost creat pentru a facilitate cooperarea și implementarea unei idei de business urmând 5 pași (Self-Assesment, Soft skills, Hard skills, Ideas development și Idea Validation). Tehnica de bază fiind Mindfulness.