Showing posts with label training course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label training course. Show all posts

30 March 2020

Training Course [TR-363] ESC 101 “Introduction to the European Solidarity Corps” 11.03.2020 – 17.03.2020, Adana, Turcia

În perioada 11–17 martie 2020 s-a desfășurat în Adana, Turcia, cursul de formare Erasmus+ „Introduction to the European Solidarity Corps”, bazat pe tema voluntariatului, pe promovarea cetățeniei active a tinerilor, în general, și a cetățeniei lor europene, în special.

05 December 2019

Training Course - [FR-286] „Dance your ability”, 12.11.2019-22.11.2019, Pamiers, Franța

În perioada 12–22 noiembrie 2019 a avut loc cursul de formare Erasmus+ „Dance your ability”, bazat pe tema incluziunii, în special a persoanelor cu dizabilități, prin metode inovatoare (terapia prin dans). Proiectul a avut loc în Bedeille, Franța, și a avut participanți din următoarele țări: Cehia, Grecia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Polonia, Franța și România.

28 October 2019

Curs de formare - [IT-316] MEWE-FACEMAPS, 12.10.2019-18.10.2019, Cosenza, Italy

În perioada 12-18 octombrie 2019 s-a desfășurat în Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza, provincia Calabria, din Italia, cursul de formare Erasmus + „MEWE – FaceMaps”, [IT-316], la care au participat câte 3 reprezentanți din 10 țări: România, Italia, Spania, Germania, Lituania, Bulgaria, Grecia, Macedonia, Turcia, Polonia.

22 October 2019

Training Course - [FR-272] Act ForWords, 01.10.2019-11.10.2019, Bedeille, Franța

În perioada 1 - 11 octombrie 2019 a avut loc cursul de formare Erasmus+ „ Act ForWords”, bazat pe tema luptei împotriva discriminării prin metode inovatoare (teatru forum). Proiectul a avut loc în Bedeille, Franța, și a avut participanți din următoarele țări: Estonia, Belgia, Cipru, Grecia, Macedonia și România.

25 September 2019

Training Course - [BG-283] Online Activism 4 Youth work, 01.07.2019-08.07.2019, Bansko, Bulgaria

Între 1 și 8 iulie 2019 a avut loc un curs de formare în Bansko, Bulgaria, „Online Activism 4 Youth Work”, care a inclus participanți din: Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Bulgaria, Danemarca, Estonia, Georgia, Italia, Letonia, România și Marea Britanie.

24 September 2019

Training Course: [BG-304] Be Sustainable, don't WASTE your future! PART 2, 12.09.2019-20.09.2019, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

How can we develop a sustainable mindset? Why is the humanity at a climate change crossroads? What can we do at personal, organizational and community levels to make a positive change? Between 12 and 20 September 2019, 3 members of GEYC Community took part in “Be Sustainable, don't WASTE your future! PART 2” Erasmus+ Training Course, organized by the “Academy of Success” Association in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, and tried to answer this questions in a collaborative and cross-cultural creative way. 

31 August 2019

Training Course: [PL-276] Be responsible!, 27.08.2019-04.09.2019, Wisla, Poland

Our training "Be responsible!" has already begun! In beautiful surroundings in Wisła, located in Poland, 27 participants from 9 countries - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain, work hard trying to prepare to be a Super Coach and implement it in their work with the youth in the field of responsible consumption. There are a lot of discussions, presentations, brainstorming within a group of great people - it has just started!

19 August 2019

Training Course: [DE-281] Social Video Makers, 05.08.2019-12.08.2019, Velbert (Essen), Germany

From the 5th until the 12th of August members of the GEYC Community had the chance to take part in the Social Video Makers Training Course in Velbert, Germany. The primary goal of the project was to teach youth workers how to shoot, edit and distribute online videos.

30 June 2019

Training Course: ABCreativity, 20.01.2019-28.01.2019, Leszno, Poland

ABCreativity was a 7 days Training Course for beginners on the topic of creativity and innovation and how to use it in our local communities and in our NGOs reality. It took place in Leszno, Wielkopolska, Poland and gathered participants from 8 countries – Poland, Romania, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Spain and Czech Republic. The project was organized by our partners from Fundacja Arena i Świat.