Call for participants “DigUpSkill” Erasmus+ Training Course, Bucharest, Romania 9-16 August 2022


GEYC is launching a call for participants from all over Europe and the partner regions (Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership Countries, South Mediterranean Countries) for “DigUpSkill”, an Erasmus+ training course (2021-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-000005219) which will take place between the 9th and the 16th of August in Bucharest, Romania.

During a debate on measures to address the devastating effect of the COVID-19 crisis on young Europeans’ employment, education and mental health, MEPs urged the prioritisation of the needs of young people. Likewise, the issues young people faced when it came to employment (being the most affected group during the pandemic) made them be at the center of discussions among all the big actors involved in their lives, including the UN, where, recently, young people have been seen as the “key for Covid recovery and a sustainable future”, “from remote workplaces to green energy to truly inclusive decision-making, their vision and courage being more vital than ever.”(

That’s why, in a post-pandemic context where young people and youth workers alike have had to forcefully and sometimes abruptly digitalize their interactions with the world, we believe it’s important to offer support to both groups by equipping youth workers with the proper knowledge and skills they need to better support both their digital activity and give them an insight in the skills the communities they cater to need in order to become more employable.

Deadline to apply 24th of July 2022| Apply now HERE

Find out more about the TC bellow and in the detailed infopack HERE

Are you a youth worker (see definition below) interested in knowing more about digital tools, employability and social responsibility? Then this Training Course is for you!

While recognizing that “technological developments open great potential for empowerment of youth by providing access to information and by enriching opportunities for enhancing one’s personal capabilities and competences; providing opportunities for connectivity and interaction with others but also for voicing one’s opinions, for creativity, for self-realisation of one’s rights and active citizenship”(Official Journal of the European Union, Notices from European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, Council, Council conclusions on smart youth work) the main aim of the training course is to increase the quality of youth work, while stimulating active participation and social responsibility among youth workers, using non-formal education and digital tools.

The training course will involve approx. 40 participants from all over Europe and the partner regions (Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership Countries, South Mediterranean Countries).

Please keep in mind that, in order to apply, you need the support of a sending organization in your country of residence for us to be able to sign an official MoU with. (Memorandum of Understanding- collaboration protocol).

Specific objectives:

1. Increase quality of youth work, digital youth work and foster collaboration among partners (corresponds to ETS Competence framework for youth workers “Collaborating successfully in teams”, “Facilitating individual and group learning in an enriching environment” and “Designing programmes” areas)

2. Stimulate active participation and social responsibility among 40 youth workers (corresponds to ETS Competence framework for youth workers “Communicating meaningfully with others”, “Displaying intercultural competence”, “Networking and advocating” areas)

3. Promote social networks and new media technologies for personal and professional youth development among 40 youth workers (corresponds to ETS Competence framework for youth workers “Facilitating individual and group learning in an enriching environment”, “Designing programmes” and “Organising and managing resources” areas)

Target group:
  • Youth workers (someone who has worked with youth (14-35 years old) for at least 20 hours in the past 6 months leading activities linked to facilitating a learning process, guiding, mentoring, coaching, informing or supporting young people, online and/or offline, outside the formal education setting)
  • Strong motivation towards the objectives and fields (digital, employability) of the project. 
  • Able to carry-out preparation tasks, dissemination actions during and after the training course.
  • At least 1/3 of the spots will be given to participants with fewer opportunities (economic difficulties, geographical obstacles, migrant/refugee/minority background obstacles) that have been described in detail in the registration form.
  • good command of English language
  • 18+


Financial details:

The organizers will cover the following costs with the support of the European Commission:
  • 100% of transportation (as a reimbursement after all justifying documents are provided), meals, accommodation, training activities, training materials;
  • 100% of visa costs (if needed);
  • 100% of all APV- advanced planning visit expenses.


About the organizers

Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC is a Romanian youth organization founded in 2010 active at the European level. GEYC is the initiator and coordinating organization of PRISMA European Network, a European wide coalition aimed to raise the quality of youth projects.

Our mission is to empower young people to create a positive change in their community.

We are young people working with young people through both peer-to-peer education and mass communication supported by youth leaders.

Scope: empowering young people to create a positive change in their community


  • Supporting and developing initiatives to encourage young people to be more active in the field of civic participation and to defend human rights in general through human rights education, intercultural learning and remembrance.
  • Promoting social networks and new media technologies, personal and professional development of young people and youth workers through digital literacy and access to online resources and tools;
  • Encouraging social, green and digital entrepreneurship by providing tools for young people and youth workers to increase their employability and competitiveness in the labour market;
  • Promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among young people and developing initiatives focused on social inclusion, gender equality and environmental conservation.

About our digital direction-

The Digital field is one of the core directions for us. The aim of this field is to digitally empower people by offering access to online tools, free education, and networking, as well as to increase the level of digital literacy among young people and youth workers.

- building digital skills for youth and youth workers (digital youth work);

- tackling hate speech online;

- women empowerment in ICT;

- digital citizenship education;

- policymaking in the digital field.

Within this direction, we are contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals no. 4 - Quality Education, 5 - Gender Equality, 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and 17 - Partnerships for the Goals.

About our employability direction-

The aim of this field is to deal with young people's ability to write a project idea, manage risks, put their ideas into action, find the appropriate funding and stakeholders to support their initiative, and provide tools for youth and youth workers in order to increase their employability and competitiveness on the labour market.

In the past years, we have been involved in strategic initiatives connected with:

• Training youth and youth workers in using design thinking as part of entrepreneurial education methodology;

•Promoting innovative entrepreneurial types: green, social and digital entrepreneurship;

• Using social media tools to increase youth employability;

• Developing youth creativity and cultural expression skills.

Within this direction, we are contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals no. 1 - No Poverty, 4 - Quality Education, 5 - Gender Equality, 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, 12 – Responsible consumption and production and 17 - Partnerships for the Goals.


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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

All rights reserved • 2010-2025