Our training "Be responsible!" has already begun! In beautiful surroundings in Wisła, located in Poland, 27 participants from 9 countries - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain, work hard trying to prepare to be a Super Coach and implement it in their work with the youth in the field of responsible consumption. There are a lot of discussions, presentations, brainstorming within a group of great people - it has just started!
Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts
31 August 2019
27 July 2019
Youth Exchange: [PL-262] European stage, 11.07.2019-18.07.2019, Poronin, Poland
Finding ways to effectively tackle the subject of discrimination and xenophobia towards refugees and migrants is, indeed, challenging but possible. Between 11 and 18 July 2019, Poronin, Poland, young people from 5 European countries (Romania, Portugal, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Poland) took part in the youth exchange “European stage”. Serban, Constantin-Andrei, Andrei George, Ana-Diana, Bianca Stefania, Carmen, Ana Maria, and Călin had the chance to develop the knowledge and skills to respond appropriately to these issues.
25 October 2018
The results of the long-term Training Course -„LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY”, Wisła, Poland
In February of 2018, Andreea and Alexandru embarked on an adventure to learn more about the role of a youth worker, non-formal education and to gain key competencies related to conflict management and problem solving. This adventure, called „LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY”, came to an end in September. Read more about their experience below.
12 May 2018
TC - "Englishman in Youth Work", Poronin, Poland
The TC "Englishman in Youth Work" was an international project attended by over 20 participants sent by partner organizations from Poland, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania and Italy. The Romanian team was represented by two people sent by GEYC after a careful evaluation process.
03 April 2018
Seminar - "Now Go!", Leszno, Poland
The Seminar "Now GO!", taking part between 17th February and 23rd February, aimed to empower the young people's involvement within the society, as well as to increase the quality of their work and of their participation. The accomplishment of those goals were possible due to discussions, non-formal education and exchanging of good practices among the participants and their sending organisation. Moreover, the open-discussions of the participants and the ones being facilitated within the project were contributing to learning as much as possible.
27 March 2018
TC - „LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY", Wisła, Poland
This training course was mostly about discrimination and social inclusion. It took part in a beautiful town in Poland, named Wisla, in the middle of the nature full covered in white. There were participants from Spain, France, Macedonia, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Turkey having two well trained facilitators from Poland and Russia.
18 June 2017
YE: Global Intercultural Warming against Youth Radicalization- Zakopane, Poland
’’Zakopane, sosim! ’’, acesta a fost gândul nostru în dimineața zilei de 31.05.2017. Ca să fim pe deplin sinceri, mai întâi a fost ’’Varșovia, bine te-am găsit!’’, ’’Cracovia, ești foarte frumoasă!’’, pentru ca între 2-10 iunie să poposim în Zakopane, la poalele munților Tatra, alături de alți 30 de participant din alte 6 țări ale Uniunii Europene, pentru a dezbate situația imigranților și a refugiaților în Europa astăzi, cât și problema radicalizării.
22 May 2017
Apel Last Minute: Căutam trei voluntari EVS pentru un proiect în Polonia
GEYC caută trei voluntari (17-30 ani) pentru un stagiu de voluntariat european (EVS) de 7 luni în Klimontów, Polonia (1 iulie 2017 - 31 ianuarie 2018). Profilul candidatului: persoană interesată de ecologie sau grădinărit și dornică să lucreze cu comunități, în special cu copii și cu tineri. Primul venit, primul servit (ținând cont de relevanța aplicației)
17 May 2017
YE: „Be the change” - Nasutow, Polonia
În urma participării în cadrul proiectului “Be the change” desfăşurat între 22 şi 29 aprilie în Nasutow, Polonia am dori să împărtăşim o parte din experienţa şi trăirile pe care le-am avut.
21 September 2016
Create social resources- Training Erasmus Plus
În perioada 2-9 septembrie 2016, GEYC mi-a oferit șansa de a participa la cursul “Create social resources” în Poronin, Polonia. Acest training a avut ca scop principal dezvoltarea profesională a lucrătorilor și a liderilor de tineret, mai concret dezvoltarea abilităților antreprenoriale, în special prin implicarea tinerilor cu oportunități reduse.
15 September 2015
Getting more active: 70 years of peace and growth
In the summer of July 2015, 33 youth workers met in Warsaw to exchange experience and knowledge. They came from 11 countries, EU members, Candidate members and neighbor countries to deeply research the topic of European Citizenship, and try to find ways to motivate the young people they work with to become more active citizens of their countries and the European Union. GEYC Community parts took part to this project and we
erasmus plus,
training course,
youth workers
11 September 2015
Call for 2 Romanian participants: Seminar in Murzasichle (Malopolska Province), Poland (20-25 October 2015)
GEYC is selecting 2 Romanian participants, to take part in "Step into Democracy" European project that will take place in Murzasichle (Malopolska Province), Poland from 20 to 25 October 2015. The main aim of the seminar is to support the development of civil society and to make young people active participants in social life, both at local and European level. Deadline: 19 September 2015 | Apply now!
06 September 2015
Economic Forum for Young Leaders (10th edition) and Get Inspired Fest - 7th to 11th September 2015, Nowy Sacz & Krynica, Poland
From 7th to 11th of September, Mr. Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager of GEYC will take part to 2 high level international events such as "Economic Forum for Young Leaders" (10th edition) and "Get Inspired Fest" organized by the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation with the support of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
17 May 2015
Call for 3 Romanian participants (no age limit): Seminar in Krakow Region (Zakopane), Poland (26-30 June 2015)
GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "TNT-Together for New Tomorrow" European project that will take place in Krakow Region (Zakopane), Poland from 26th to 30th June 2015. The aim of this TC is to establish an international network for common activities and work on those ideas. Deadline: May, 24, 2015.
06 May 2015
Call for 3 Romanian participants (no age limit): Training Course in Konstancin-Jeziorna (Warsaw region), Poland (5-12 July 2015)
GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "70 Years of Peace and Growth" European project that will take place in Konstancin-Jeziorna (Warsaw region), Poland from 5th to 12th July 2015. The aim of this TC is to research the topic of European Citizenship, and try to find ways to motive young people with whom you work with, in becoming more active citizens of their countries. Deadline: May, 14, 2015.
02 March 2015
Erasmus+: Learn how to effectively work in a NGO
23 December 2014
Call for 4 Romanian participants: Training course in Krakow, Poland March 2015
GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the “Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers” European project that will take place in Krakow, Poland, from 18th until 25th of March 2015. This training course is set to engage youth leaders, project coordinators, youth workers, teachers, youth consultants who would like to strengthen their key competencies in order to improve the quality of work with youth at risk of social, economic, cultural and educational exclusion.
01 August 2014
Story: On top of the cultural tide
GEYC took part in the project "Wall on the high tide", an European exchange held between 16th and 24th July 2014, in Gdansk, Poland involving young people from Poland, Turkey and Romania.
The main objective of this project was to debate upon the differences between cultures, to find similarities and also to raise awareness regarding the importance of cultural diversity .
23 July 2014
Call for 5 Romanian participants: European training course in Warsaw/Poland 2014
GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian
participants to take part in the "StartUp Flow” European project that will
take place in the city of Warsaw, Poland from 20th until 27th of October 2014.
This is a training course concerning the topic of business and start-ups.
05 June 2014
Call for 3 Romanian participants: European training course in Poland/August 2014
GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants to take part in the "Let’s Play life" European project that will take place in Poznan, Poland, from 11th until 19th of August 2014.
This is a training course aimed at contributing to the development of youth policies in the European Union and promotion of innovative educational methods and non-formal education.
This is a training course aimed at contributing to the development of youth policies in the European Union and promotion of innovative educational methods and non-formal education.
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