Erasmus+: Learn how to effectively work in a NGO

From 18 to 25 of March, GEYC participants will attend the training course "Learn, act, grow - developing the competencies of youth workers" in Cracow, Poland. The activity will be organized in the frame of Erasmus+ programme.

It is never too late to learn. Education which starts at school is just a beginning on the road to continuous improvement. A huge role in the learning process plays a non-formal education which plays a main role during international workshops co-financed by Erasmus +. Working in NGO is a challenge. To work effectively with youth each NGO member must constantly improve their competencies. For this purpose the Association for Informal Education Kulturatka created 8-day training course entitled "Learn, act, grow - developing the competencies of youth workers". 

TC is set to engage youth leaders, project coordinators, youth workers, tutors, youth consultants who would like to strengthen their key competencies in order to improve the quality of work with youth at risk of social exclusion. Training is dedicated to 40 NGO members from 9 European countries: Bulgaria, Latvia, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey and Italy to support their of professional development. 
Cracow, Poland
The training course which will be held in Cracow on 18-25 March 2015 is an international project which aims to increase the quality of managing social projects, strengthen international potential of 10 participating organizations, by exchanging knowledge, experiences and good practices on the field of working with youth. Using a variety of methods and educational practices such as brainstorming, coaching, case studies, games, etc. Course participants will learn how to better manage their projects, more effectively help to youth, better support local organizations and thus contribute to the development of civil society. 

The Association for Informal Education Kulturatka is an organization that supports the development of young people on many levels. In this project, the organizations of the other 8 countries will have the opportunity to learn from the achievements earned by Krakow association and share with them their own thoughts in the field of work with youth. 

More information on the course you can find on Facebook Page of the project or on the website.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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