Showing posts with label development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label development. Show all posts

KA2 EllE Empower - learn - led - Expand: YOUth4SDGs changing the rules transforming our world

Young people need to learn, acquire competence to build inclusive sustainable models of development. They need to shape the vision of the future to create it. Locally, young people are affected by the lack of opportunity by society & labour market, they lack knowledge and need to develop skills about sustainable methods of development. Our working experience with young people shows that they are not familiar with SDGs, partners experience affirms that this is true especially in small environment. "EllE Empower - learn - led - Expand: YOUth4SDGs changing the rules transforming our world" is an Erasmus Plus KA2 strategic partnership in the youth field organized by 5 youth organisations from Italy (coordinator), Greece, Portugal, Romania and Serbia.

YE - Youth employability seeds – Our Italian adventure

The journey began for each of us in Bucharest. Early in the morning, after the long trips from our homes to the Otopeni airport, we were excited to meet each other and to share the expectations that we had from the youth exchange. 

Să descoperim Serbia!

Sâmbătă, 3 septembrie 2016, aceasta a fost ziua în care eu împreună cu alţi şase tineri minunaţi am ajuns în Rudnik, Serbia pentru a participa la Youth exchange-ul “Seeds for sustainable development and youth work”.  Era o zi însorită ce prevestea începutul  unei experienţe frumoase şi al unor prietenii noi. Deşi am avut un drum lung de parcurs şi oboseala îşi spunea cuvântul, entuziasmul de a descoperi locuri, oameni şi lucruri noi ne învăluise şi ne lumina cu zâmbete.

Call for 5 Romanian participants: Training Course in Rudnik, Serbia (19-27 May 2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Sustainable development and youth work" European project that will take place in Rudnik, Serbia from 19 to 27 May 2016. The main aim of the traing course is to to develop competencies of the participants in the field of sustainable development with focus on raising their competences to create projects motivating public to life more sustainable lifestyle, Deadline: 25 March 2016 | Apply now!

European Photo Rally: Show your vision about development through photography (19/03-15/04/2015)

In order to raise awareness about the European Year of Development, AMSED is organasing European Photo Rally. The best photos will be displayed on the exhibition that AMSED will organise during European Festival, in May 2015. The photographer of the most voted photo will have the chance to participate in a Training Course, in June 2015, in Strasbourg. Sounds exciting?

Call for 4 Romanian participants: training course in Sicily, Italy (June 2015)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the “Job Up” European project that will take place in Geraci Siculo (Sicily, Italy), from 8th until 13th of June 2015. This training course aims to boost participants employability and to prepare them to react towards unemployment.

Erasmus+: Learn how to effectively work in a NGO

From 18 to 25 of March, GEYC participants will attend the training course "Learn, act, grow - developing the competencies of youth workers" in Cracow, Poland. The activity will be organized in the frame of Erasmus+ programme.

Local development: TONETA project

GEYC supports TONETA project - Town Networking through the Atlantic, with the support of the European Union “Europe for Citizens” programme which aims to promote local development best practices among the network.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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