Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts

Participă și tu! - Campanie europeană: Your Vote Can Divide! Your Vote Can Unite!

Ca partener național al UNITED, GEYC are plăcerea de a vă invita să luați parte la Campania Europeană ”Your Vote Can Divide! Your Vote Can Unite!” menită să asigure conștientizarea importanței votului pentru Parlamentul European.

Apel parteneri locali: Campania UNITED împotriva rasismului

GEYC invită organizațiile din România să se alăture Campaniei internaționale UNITED împotriva rasismului ce va avea loc în perioada 15-23 martie 2014. Evenimentele selectate vor fi promovate la nivel național și internațional și pot beneficia de până la 2 kg de materiale ale campaniei (fliere, postere etc.) în mod gratuit.

Happening in Romania: More than 200 teachers take a volunteer engagement to promote digital competencies as a way to tackle youth unemployment

As part of SMYLE European project, GEYC has invited Romanian teachers to set up seminars and campaigns at local level in order to raise awareness among young people (13-30) and other stakeholders regarding the critical importance of digital skills to smooth the path to the labour market. 

Campaign Final Report: “Black&White are not colours! Choose what colour you want to be!”

Between 16th and 24th of March, GEYC developed many activities both in online and offline, due to sustain the campaign initiated by UNITED.

Black & White are not colours!
Choose what colour you want to be!

EN: GEYC marks The International Day against Racism (March 21) by organizing an awareness campaign at national level in Romania, both online and offline starting with March 16 until March 24, 2013. This initiative is part of two big worldwide events: the “No hate speech movement” campaign started by Council of Europe and ”European Action Week Against Racism” started by the UNITED network.

RO: GEYC marchează ziua internațională împotriva rasismului - 21 martie prin organizarea unei campanii de conștientizare a discriminării la nivel național în România atât în format online, cât și offline în perioada 16-24 martie 2013. Inițiativa face parte din două mișcări de seamă la nivel mondial, respectiv campania ”No hate speech movement” inițiată de Consiliul Europei și ”European Action Week Against Racism” organizată de rețeaua UNITED. 

Local development: TONETA project

GEYC supports TONETA project - Town Networking through the Atlantic, with the support of the European Union “Europe for Citizens” programme which aims to promote local development best practices among the network.

European Campaign for Safe Road Design

GEYC supports the European Campaign for Safe Road Design. This campaign is created in order to raise awareness and understanding of the need to invest in road system improvement. The goal e is to reduce road crashes, the most common incidents nowadays, ever more numerous than rail and air crashes. The idea of the campaign consists of the need of safe drivers, safe roads and safe vehicles.

”For Diversity. Against Discrimination” - an EU campaign

GEYC supports ”For Diversity. Against discrimination” - an European Commission campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of discrimination and increase understanding of the EU laws which exist to protect us all. It also strives to generate debate on the themes of diversity and discrimination and in particular on how people in Europe stand to gain from greater equality.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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