Showing posts with label no hate speech movement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label no hate speech movement. Show all posts

22 June 2018

TC - "No more time 4 hate", Málaga, Spain

The Training Course „No more time 4 hate”, which took place in Torremolinos (Málaga area), Spain, between 24th and 31st of May 2018, was not just an occasion to interact with different people, but also an opportunity to „change the world”, as our participants told us.

27 January 2017

International Holocaust Remembrance Day - Q: why should we remember? A: In order not to forget and repeat.

History has a way to repeat everything we did not understand. Over 70 years ago, 6 million Jewish people, 2 million Romani people, 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9,000 homosexual men were killed by one of the most horrible genocides in history. 
Today, we live in a modern world with high human rights laws and standards, but still discrimination is everywhere, it is rising and the risks of radicalization is imminent. GEYC, as a member of PRISMA European Network stands for human rights and launches today the final findings of HaSpe research.

18 October 2016

Book your place NOW at EDYS2016

European Digital Youth Summit 2nd edition aims to foster youth participation by using digital tools in order to fight online hate speechEDYS 2016 will bring together youngsters, inspiring keynote speakers, educators and stakeholders. Limited seats available. APPLY until November 3, 2016.

01 September 2016

GEYC's added value to ''Balkan without hate'' Project

At GEYC we believe that the quality of a project should also be visible in the partners' contributions. Each one can add value by efficiently communicating with the organizers and other partners, choosing the most relevant participants, increasing visibility, disseminating and multiplying the results through local activities and generating follow-up events. This year, we were partners along with other 6 NGOs from 6 countries in Balkans without hate Project. And we've put into practice what we preach. 

31 December 2015

Our first Fellowship on Human Rights: "Out hate" achievements

In July 2015, Group of European Youth for Change launched the call for the selection of three European Fellows in Human Rights, in the frame of No Hate Speech Movement, for a three phase chain-project (7 days Training Course on Human Rights in Bulgaria - Implementation of activities in Romania – Dissemination of the results in Georgia) that lasted from August until December. 
After a competitive process Ana-Maria Andreea LUPU, Georgiana NUȚU and Cristina Elena PETCU were the ones who stood up as the most passionate, active and knowledgeable in the field of human rights, and thereby, they were selected to become the European Fellows in Human Rights.
The project was implemented together with the organizations Alternativi International from Bulgaria and DRONI, from Georgia in the frame of an Erasmus Plus project.

03 September 2015

"No hate" X 3: formare, implicare, schimb de bune practici

Andreea, Georgiana și Cristina tocmai și-au început Fellowship-ul european pe tema drepturilor omului printr-un program de formare găzduit în Bulgaria. Programul se desfășoară în cadrul unui proiect Erasmus+ ce se va derula pe parcursul anului 2015 incluzând activități locale de diseminare de rezultate și un seminar de schimb de bune practici în Tbilisi, Georgia. 
Programul de Fellowship european este prima inițiativă de acest tip a GEYC și își propune să concerteze eforturile și resursele organizației pe un domeniu prioritar de intervenție - drepturile omului.

20 August 2015

Time to start our European Fellowship on Human Rights

Our European fellows, Andreea, Cristina and Georgiana said "Hi" from Bansko, Bulgaria where they are attending the first training course of their ‪#‎fellowship in the frame of "No hate speech movement".

They are part of a 5 months programme aimed to promote human rights at local level, particularly the "No hate speech movement" initiated by the Council of Europe.

11 December 2013

GEYC takes action in No hate speech movement

EN: GEYC is actively involved in supporting "No hate speech movement" campaign run by Council of Europe.
RO: GEYC sprijină în mod activ campania „No hate speech movement” coordonată de Consiliul Europei.

No hate: Petition: make 22 July the European Day for Victims of Hate Crime!

GEYC signed the petition: "make 22 July the European Day for Victims of Hate Crime!". This is part of "No hate speech movement" initiated by Council of Europe.

31 March 2013

Campaign Final Report: “Black&White are not colours! Choose what colour you want to be!”

Between 16th and 24th of March, GEYC developed many activities both in online and offline, due to sustain the campaign initiated by UNITED.

17 March 2013

Social media and multimedia resources
- For you, with you, to you!

To celebrate 21st of March 2013 - the international day against racism, GEYC launches The resource center, a free online place to gather social media and multimedia tools for individuals and non profits. The center is aimed to support "No hate speech movement" campaign initiated by Council of Europe.

14 March 2013

Black & White are not colours!
Choose what colour you want to be!

EN: GEYC marks The International Day against Racism (March 21) by organizing an awareness campaign at national level in Romania, both online and offline starting with March 16 until March 24, 2013. This initiative is part of two big worldwide events: the “No hate speech movement” campaign started by Council of Europe and ”European Action Week Against Racism” started by the UNITED network.

RO: GEYC marchează ziua internațională împotriva rasismului - 21 martie prin organizarea unei campanii de conștientizare a discriminării la nivel național în România atât în format online, cât și offline în perioada 16-24 martie 2013. Inițiativa face parte din două mișcări de seamă la nivel mondial, respectiv campania ”No hate speech movement” inițiată de Consiliul Europei și ”European Action Week Against Racism” organizată de rețeaua UNITED.