Showing posts with label EDYS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDYS. Show all posts

24 December 2018

European Digital Youth Summit 2018: The story after the story

Varianta în limba română este disponibilă mai jos

#EDYS18, held under the High Patronage of the European Parliament, gathered in the Transilvania University of Brașov around 200 local, national and international participants from more than 10 countries. EDYS - European Digital Youth Summit 2018 had a diverse Opening Panel - welcoming government, academia and civil society representatives from Brașov and abroad - which made it eclectic and interesting both for the physical and online audience. The online presence of the event reached 35k social media users and our live transmission reached almost 20k users.

01 August 2018

We launched the European Fellowship on Project Management - EFPM

We are getting started now with the European Fellowship on Project Management - EFPM. The programme will last between August and December 2018 and will be organized in the frame of the KA2 Erasmus+ project ”EuroIMPACT Plus”.

04 June 2018

#GEYC8 - Meet the team - Diana-Adela Ioniță, Project Manager

„#GEYC8 - Meet the team” este oportunitatea perfectă atât pentru membrii Comunității GEYC, cât și pentru partenerii noștri, să cunoască mai multe detalii despre #GEYCuleții care fac parte din echipa internă. Inițiativa nu vine întâmplător în această perioadă, în 2018 fiind aniversarea de 8 ani a GEYC.

24 March 2017

Europa pentru tine(ri) - De 10 ani, împreună

La invitația „Clubului European - Jean Monnet”, GEYC va lua parte la conferința „Europa pentru tine(ri) – de 10 ani”, organizată în data de 31 martie 2017 la Liceul Teoretic „Jean Monnet” din capitală. Sunt așteptați să ia parte elevi din peste 10 unități școlare din București, interesați de domenii precum relații internaționale, științe politice și drept internațional.

08 December 2016

European Fellowship in the field of human rights - The second edition’s fellows testimonies

Five months ago, GEYC was recruiting four Romanian young people for the second edition of the European Fellowship in the field of human rights. One training course, a short film and many human rights promotion events later, our fellows are looking back upon their experiences and are now sharing them with us.

01 September 2016

GEYC's added value to ''Balkan without hate'' Project

At GEYC we believe that the quality of a project should also be visible in the partners' contributions. Each one can add value by efficiently communicating with the organizers and other partners, choosing the most relevant participants, increasing visibility, disseminating and multiplying the results through local activities and generating follow-up events. This year, we were partners along with other 6 NGOs from 6 countries in Balkans without hate Project. And we've put into practice what we preach. 

05 January 2016

Erasmus+ Call for partners (Programme countries) - European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS)

GEYC is looking for partners from Programme countries (please check the table below first) for European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS) mobility of youth workers in order to apply for Erasmus+ funding (KA1, first round). The activity will be hosted in Bucharest, Romania from 1st to 7th of November 2016. Deadline to apply: January, 17th, 2016

08 September 2014

Comandă gratuit semnele de carte BookSmart

Ai auzit de BookSmart? Sunt acele semne de carte drăguțe cu însemnele EDYS (European Digital Youth Summit). Vestea cea bună e că de acum le poți comanda și tu, GRATUIT!

12 August 2014

Tineretul comunică tot mai digital: Sărbătorim Ziua Internațională a tineretului prin lansarea înscrierilor la European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS)

Pentru a marca Ziua internațională a tineretului (12 august) și faptul că tehnologiile digitale cuceresc tot mai mult viața profesională, educațională și timpul liber al tinerilor, GEYC anunță lansarea înscrierilor la European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS), disponibilă, în mod gratuit, începând cu 12 august 2014 pe adresa

19 June 2014

Twitter wall: #BeSMARTER14

Want to get updated with everything is happening in SMARTER project? Follow our "#BeSMARTER14" hashtag on Facebook and Twitter and share with us your ideas and reactions! Be social, be smarter!