Showing posts with label digital youth work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital youth work. Show all posts
25 June 2023
29 March 2023
15 December 2021
02 October 2021
27 July 2021
09 April 2021
09 February 2021
25 January 2021
12 December 2020
30 October 2020
29 October 2020
02 August 2020
29 June 2020
GEYC-ID - registration made simple!
Under the framework of the KA2 project Youth Workers 2.0, GEYC has introduced the GEYC-ID, a unique identification number for the Community members.
11 March 2020
#GEYC10 Impact Report Executive Summary
Cu ocazia aniversării #GEYC10, echipa GEYC lucrează la un Raport de Impact al Comunității GEYC, a cărui bază este reprezentată de răspunsurile persoanelor înscrise la concursul #GEYC10 Changemakers. Raportul integral va fi disponibil la în luna aprilie, în limba engleză. Acesta este realizat în cadrul proiectului KA2 Youth Workers 2.0, întrucât Comunitatea GEYC este prima comunitate digitală de tineri din România, iar scopul acestui proiect este de a promova utilizarea instrumentelor digitale în lucrul cu tinerii.
On the occasion of the #GEYC10 anniversary, our team is working on a GEYC Community Impact Report, which will be based on the #GEYC10 Changemakers survey. The full report will be available at in April, in English. The Report will be included in the KA2 Youth Workers 2.0 project, as the GEYC Community is the first digital youth community in Romania, and the purpose of this project is to promote the use of digital tools in working with young people.
On the occasion of the #GEYC10 anniversary, our team is working on a GEYC Community Impact Report, which will be based on the #GEYC10 Changemakers survey. The full report will be available at in April, in English. The Report will be included in the KA2 Youth Workers 2.0 project, as the GEYC Community is the first digital youth community in Romania, and the purpose of this project is to promote the use of digital tools in working with young people.
01 March 2020
#GEYC10 CHANGEMAKERS - Concurent #1 - BALAN Alexandru
GEYC sărbătorește 10 ani de activitate în martie 2020, ocazie cu care organizăm concursul „#GEYC10 Changemakers”, prin care vom recompensa 10 tineri care s-au remarcat de-a lungul timpului. Candidaturile persoanelor pre-selectate, prezentate în câte un articol, vor fi evaluate de un juriu independent format din 5 persoane și supuse și votului publicului în perioada 01.03.2020 - 12.03.2020. Acesta este organizat în cadrul proiectului KA2 Youth Workers 2.0, întrucât Comunitatea GEYC este prima comunitate digitală de tineri din România, iar scopul acestui proiect este de a promova utilizarea instrumentelor digitale în lucrul cu tinerii.
22 January 2020
The start of the KA3 project "DIVERSE"
The Key Action 3 project "DIVERSE" aims to promote social inclusion and diversity in multicultural classrooms with an increased number of children from refugee/migrant/ minority background through the use of creative methods and more specifically, storytelling methods. It is going to use e-learning as a method to train teachers. The project is funded by Erasmus+
16 November 2019
Young Digital Leaders at the World Forum for Democracy
We showcased the Young Digital Leaders Project during the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Here's how we did and what guests wanted to know about our project.
28 October 2019
GEYC Community - a good practice example of digital youth work (ESPON Seminar)
Bucharest, 30th of October 2019: The ESPON Seminar on “Shaping the “Next Economy”: The Territorial Dimension of the Future of
Work in Southern Europe” will examine the territorial dimension of labour markets in Southern Europe,
setting forth the need to adopt a place-sensitive approach while broadening the governance
perspective for designing effective policies. Our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu, will join as an invited expert during the second part of the seminar "Part II: Tackling Youth Unemployment: Is Enough Being Done?" presenting the example of GEYC Community as a digital youth work good practice.
10 August 2019
Progress of GEYC Community in RAN Young Empowerment Academy
RAN YOUNG Empowerment Academy is a programme in which young people from all over the EU (aged 18-25) develop their knowledge, skills, and competencies in order to set up their own local initiatives to prevent radicalisation. In one year, the participants will attend 4 Academy sessions. In the meanwhile, within their communities, the participants work on implementing their own initiatives. The sessions guide the participants in their process of setting up an initiative and creating local impact.
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