Cu ocazia aniversării #GEYC10, echipa GEYC lucrează la un Raport de Impact al Comunității GEYC, a cărui bază este reprezentată de răspunsurile persoanelor înscrise la concursul #GEYC10 Changemakers. Raportul integral va fi disponibil la în luna aprilie, în limba engleză. Acesta este realizat în cadrul proiectului KA2 Youth Workers 2.0, întrucât Comunitatea GEYC este prima comunitate digitală de tineri din România, iar scopul acestui proiect este de a promova utilizarea instrumentelor digitale în lucrul cu tinerii.
On the occasion of the #GEYC10 anniversary, our team is working on a GEYC Community Impact Report, which will be based on the #GEYC10 Changemakers survey. The full report will be available at in April, in English. The Report will be included in the KA2 Youth Workers 2.0 project, as the GEYC Community is the first digital youth community in Romania, and the purpose of this project is to promote the use of digital tools in working with young people.
On the occasion of the #GEYC10 anniversary, our team is working on a GEYC Community Impact Report, which will be based on the #GEYC10 Changemakers survey. The full report will be available at in April, in English. The Report will be included in the KA2 Youth Workers 2.0 project, as the GEYC Community is the first digital youth community in Romania, and the purpose of this project is to promote the use of digital tools in working with young people.