GEYC Community - a good practice example of digital youth work (ESPON Seminar)
Bucharest, 30th of October 2019: The ESPON Seminar on “Shaping the “Next Economy”: The Territorial Dimension of the Future of
Work in Southern Europe” will examine the territorial dimension of labour markets in Southern Europe,
setting forth the need to adopt a place-sensitive approach while broadening the governance
perspective for designing effective policies. Our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu, will join as an invited expert during the second part of the seminar "Part II: Tackling Youth Unemployment: Is Enough Being Done?" presenting the example of GEYC Community as a digital youth work good practice.
The free movement of workers and of knowledge are considered like two cornerstones of the European Union, shaping policies and programmes such as Horizon 2020 – considered as the largest
science and innovation fund under a single political authority – and Cohesion Policy – which considers
Employment and Labour Mobility as one of its eleven priorities. However, recent ESPON research
unveils striking trends and territorial endowments driving the locational preferences of new
employment creation: contradictory forces and tensions impact the geographical distribution of new
employment creation, strongly influenced by the continuous promotion of the knowledge economy as a
key pathway for growth. The uneven territorial consequences of European migration patterns have
now become a significant political issue, giving rise to “geographies of discontent” and a growing