Showing posts with label empowerment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label empowerment. Show all posts

28 October 2019

WFD2019: “Is Democracy in danger in the information age?”

This year edition of the World Forum for Democracy (WFD)
will be hosted in Strasbourg, France on 6-8 November 2019
Our colleague, Adelina DRAGOMIR will join as a speaker during LAB 1 Human 2.0 : Youth and Digital Empowerment of the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg between 6th and 8th November 2019.

10 August 2019

Progress of GEYC Community in RAN Young Empowerment Academy

RAN YOUNG Empowerment Academy is a programme in which young people from all over the EU (aged 18-25) develop their knowledge, skills, and competencies in order to set up their own local initiatives to prevent radicalisation. In one year, the participants will attend 4 Academy sessions. In the meanwhile, within their communities, the participants work on implementing their own initiatives. The sessions guide the participants in their process of setting up an initiative and creating local impact.

08 March 2018

We are hosting an international delegation in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project

Between 7th and 16th of March, GEYC is hosting in Bucharest a job shadowing in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project (Capacity building, Erasmus+) involving 3 representatives of nongovernmental organisations from Brazil, France (special guest) and Peru.

09 June 2017

TC: Empowerment for your future - Torremolinos, Spania

Începutul lunii mai se anunța a fi minunat.. și nu oricum!? Un proiect perfect într-o țară perfectă, definită de un aer latino, unde paella îmbinată cu sangria devenea cina favorită oricărei persoane care ajungea în Spania, dar nu oriunde... ci în Malaga, orașul de suflet al multor tineri.