Showing posts with label job shadowing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job shadowing. Show all posts

Women Get Back job shadowing experience in Peru

A job shadowing is an unique experience offered by Erasmus Plus programme to professional youth workers to immerse in another partner organisation reality and discover their context.

Women Get Back- A job shadowing experience in Brazil

In an effort to get familiar with the entrepreneurial environment and the situation of women in the work field in Ilheus, Brazil, our colleague, Adelina, finished her job shadowing in the frame of the #WomenGetBack project, hosted by Cooperbom Turismo Ilheus.

Women Get Back: we are exchanging good practices with our partners from Latin America

As part of our long term cooperation in terms of capacity building and exchange of good practices with our Latin American partners, we will have two job shadowing missions in Peru and Brazil in the frame of "Women Get Back" Erasmus+ project.

We are hosting an international delegation in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project

Between 7th and 16th of March, GEYC is hosting in Bucharest a job shadowing in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project (Capacity building, Erasmus+) involving 3 representatives of nongovernmental organisations from Brazil, France (special guest) and Peru.

„Aventura #EFYL: 11 zile în paradisul Insulelor Canare” - Job Shadowing EFYL

După cum ați aflat, calătoria EFYL a continuat şi după BootCamp-ul ce a avut loc la Bucureşti, cu componenta de job shadowing într-o locaţie inedită! Astfel, 10 tineri entuziaşti şi iscusiți în frunte cu 2 lideri autentici, au pornit în data de 11 august într-o călătorie cu multe peripeții şi multe activităţi, dar plină de lecţii importante şi de momente A-H-A!

GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) take part together in Anna Lindh Foundation's Euromed Exchange Programme

EN: GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) decided to join the Euromed Exchange Programme organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation and thus to exchange experiences in the youth and cultural fields as well as to reinforce the cooperation regarding future projects.

FR: GEYC (Roumanie) et AVER (Tunisie) ont décidé de se joindre au programme d'échange Euromed organisé par la Fondation Anna Lindh et ainsi d'échanger des expériences dans les domaines de la jeunesse et de la culture, ainsi que de renforcer la coopération en ce qui concerne les projets futurs.

RO: GEYC (România) și AVER (Tunisia) au decis să se alăture programului de schimb Euromed organizat de Fundația Anna Lindh și astfel să facă schimb de experiență în domeniul tineretului și al culturii, precum și să consolideze cooperarea în ceea ce privește viitoarele proiecte.

Job shaddowing – Sustainable development, o nouă provocare, nouă abordare

Ioan: „Ajuns în Novi Sad, descopăr după o zi un oraș neașteptat de primitor, de o frumusețe aparte, viu zi și noapte, unde oamenii duc o viață fascinant de simplă”.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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