Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

16 August 2019

Seminar: [ES-265] Project Management for Young Europeans (FOYER), 04.08.2019-10.08.2019, Los Ángeles de San Rafael, Spain

28 young people gathered between 04.08.2019-10.08.2019 in Los Ángeles de San Rafael, Spain, for a seminar on the topic of project management.

12 August 2019

It's a wrap - European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) - Second Edition

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition has taken place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and has had the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).

25 July 2019

Youth Exchange: [HR-277] Youth Ecopreneurship Sprint, 23.06.2019-30.06.2019, Zagreb, Croatia

How many young people are needed to generate business ideas that can solve current environmental problems of our society? The Youth Ecopreneurship Sprint youth exchange, hosted by our partners Ekonomska klinika, is proof that it takes less than one week and a group of driven young people gathered in an international environment to work towards a sustainable future. Miruna, Iulian, Bianca, George, and Ioana are the members of the Romanian team that has taken part in this project between 23 June 2018 and 30 June 2019 in Zagreb, Croatia. What did they learn?

26 November 2018

You(th) lead: developing leadership skills throughout 1 week of non-formal education in Šibenik, Croatia

A seven day training course, named “You(th) lead”, was implemented in the city of Šibenik, Croatia. The project involved a total of 30 participants over the age of 21 from 9 different EU countries, the main activities taking place between the 22nd and the 28th of October 2018.

06 September 2018

GEYC - The launch of the European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) - Second Edition

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition will be taking place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and will have the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).
European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) este un program complex de leadership pentru tineri inițiat de GEYC în 2017 sub egida Rețelei Europene PRISMA. Cea dea doua ediție se va desfășura sub egida proiectului #PlayEurope și va avea durata de 9 luni (octombrie 2018 - iulie 2019).

19 May 2018

TC "Looking for PIP- Peer Impower", Malaga, Spain

Timp de 8 zile, între 28 aprilie și 6 mai, în însorita Malaga, trei membre GEYC au luat parte la un training ce a avut drept teme principale egalitatea de gen și rolul acesteia în leadership, prin identificarea modalităților care să încurajeze depășirea prejudecăților și să genereze conștientizarea necesității de a ne schimba optica în privință felului în care ne raportăm la rolurile de gen, atât în viață cotidiană, cât și în spațiul destinat muncii.

29 March 2018

Dezvoltă-ți abilitățile de lider la nivelul următor

S-a dat startul înscrierilor la programul Leaders Explore la care puteți obține burse integrale de participare și să vă dezvoltați abilitățile de lider. Termen limită înscrieri: 5 aprilie (București) / 30 martie (Iași)

09 September 2017

YE "Celebrate Erasmus" - Agros, Cyprus | #EFYL Job Shadowing

As you by now, the EFYL adventure has continues with another learning experience i.e. the job shadowing. Led by an experienced leader, 4 EFYL trainees have participated at the Youth exchange Celebrate Erasmus which took place in Agros (Cyprus) on 25th august - 2nd September. 

05 September 2017

„Aventura #EFYL: 11 zile în paradisul Insulelor Canare” - Job Shadowing EFYL

După cum ați aflat, calătoria EFYL a continuat şi după BootCamp-ul ce a avut loc la Bucureşti, cu componenta de job shadowing într-o locaţie inedită! Astfel, 10 tineri entuziaşti şi iscusiți în frunte cu 2 lideri autentici, au pornit în data de 11 august într-o călătorie cu multe peripeții şi multe activităţi, dar plină de lecţii importante şi de momente A-H-A!

01 August 2017

Bootcamp #EFYL - the first step in the youth leaders' adventure

Last weekend, the whole team involved in #EFYL project was present to Bucharest for the first stage of the European Fellowship on Youth Leadership adventure. For three days the participants learned about negotiation, avoiding conflicts techniques, a leader's role and attributions and also some tips and tricks for the next projects. 

08 June 2017

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL)

[EN] European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership having the duration of one year initiated by GEYC under the aegis of PRISMA European Network in the frame of EECT project. The participants have a mix learning experience: training, job shadowing, practice, inspiration and peer-to-peer training.

[RO] European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) este un program complex de leadership pentru tineri cu durata de 1 an inițiat de către GEYC sub egida PRISMA European Network în cadrul proiectului EECT. Participanții au parte de o experiență de învățare mixtă: formare, job shadowing, practică, inspirație și formare de la egal la egal. 

24 December 2015

Call for participants: School of Leadership: Hansen Summer Institute (San Diego, California, USA - June 29 - July 25, 2016)

The Hansen Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation is an exciting international program funded by a generous grant from the Fred J. Hansen Foundation that aims to create an international community of young scholars who will use their summer experience as a foundation for creating lasting friendships and acquiring common practical understanding of a more peaceful future.

Location: San Diego, California, USA
Dates: June 29 - July 25, 2016 (to be confirmed)

10 September 2014

Call for 4 Romanian participants: Training course in Kaunas, Lithuania / October 2014

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the "Tools for successful leadership - from vision to reality" European project that will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, from 20th  of October until 27th  of October 2014. This is a training course that aims to teach and develop transversal competences among youth leaders.