Bootcamp #EFYL - the first step in the youth leaders' adventure

Last weekend, the whole team involved in #EFYL project was present to Bucharest for the first stage of the European Fellowship on Youth Leadership adventure. For three days the participants learned about negotiation, avoiding conflicts techniques, a leader's role and attributions and also some tips and tricks for the next projects. 

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership - EFYL is a one-year complex program dedicated to youngsters between 18 and 30 years old that want to learn more about leadership, especially about leadership in European projects.

Bootcamp was the first stage from a total of four. Among Bootcamp, the participants will take part to another three stages: Job Shadow, Practice and Inspiration. In our opinion, all of the four are essential in the process of creating a youth leader.

In few words (and also numbers) #EFYL bootcamp looked like this:

During one of the activities, #EFYL participants were asked to describe in only one word the ideal leader. Are you curious to find out what the answered? Here you can listen to them:

P.S. There are also English subtitles :)

After three days of workshops and presentations, participants not only learned some useful pieces of information but also have developed strong friendships and share between each other examples of good practice. See the full video of #EFYL Bootcamp and do not hesitate to give it a thumbs up and a share if you like it!

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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