Showing posts with label fellowship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fellowship. Show all posts
Training Course: [BG-304] Be Sustainable, don't WASTE your future! PART 2, 12.09.2019-20.09.2019, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
How can we develop a sustainable mindset? Why is the humanity at a climate change crossroads? What can we do at personal, organizational and community levels to make a positive change? Between 12 and 20 September 2019, 3 members of GEYC Community took part in “Be Sustainable, don't WASTE your future! PART 2” Erasmus+ Training Course, organized by the “Academy of Success” Association in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, and tried to answer this questions in a collaborative and cross-cultural creative way.
European Fellowship on Sustainable Development
European Fellowship on Sustainable Development (EFSD) is a complex programme based on SDGs for young people 18-30 years old from Romania, under the aegis of EllE project and will have the duration of 5 months (July 2019 - December 2019).
It's a wrap - European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) - Second Edition
European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition has taken place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and has had the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).
European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL)
[EN] European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership having the duration of one year initiated by GEYC under the aegis of PRISMA European Network in the frame of EECT project. The participants have a mix learning experience: training, job shadowing, practice, inspiration and peer-to-peer training.
[RO] European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) este un program complex de leadership pentru tineri cu durata de 1 an inițiat de către GEYC sub egida PRISMA European Network în cadrul proiectului EECT. Participanții au parte de o experiență de învățare mixtă: formare, job shadowing, practică, inspirație și formare de la egal la egal.
youth leader,
youth leadership
The Launch of the European Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship
After the successful impact of the European Fellowship on Human Rights programme initiated by GEYC in 2015, we have decided to focus our attention on Social Entrepreneurship and to launch a similar programme on this area.
GEYC's added value to ''Balkan without hate'' Project
At GEYC we believe that the quality of a project should also be visible in the partners' contributions. Each one can add value by efficiently communicating with the organizers and other partners, choosing the most relevant participants, increasing visibility, disseminating and multiplying the results through local activities and generating follow-up events. This year, we were partners along with other 6 NGOs from 6 countries in Balkans without hate Project. And we've put into practice what we preach.
Call for applicants: European Fellowship in the field of Human Rights - 2nd edition
GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "Balkans without hate" Internship. The main aim of this project is to explore how young people and youth work can benefit from creation of genuine youth documentaries on what kind of (multicultural) societies we want to live in. Deadline: 22 June 2016 | Apply now!
Our first Fellowship on Human Rights: "Out hate" achievements
July 2015, Group of European Youth for Change launched the call for
the selection of three European Fellows in Human Rights, in the frame
of No Hate Speech Movement, for a three phase chain-project (7 days
Training Course on Human Rights in Bulgaria - Implementation of
activities in Romania – Dissemination of the results in Georgia)
that lasted from August until December.
After a competitive process Ana-Maria Andreea LUPU, Georgiana NUȚU and Cristina Elena PETCU were the ones who stood up as the most passionate, active and knowledgeable in the field of human rights, and thereby, they were selected to become the European Fellows in Human Rights.
project was implemented together with the organizations Alternativi
International from Bulgaria and DRONI, from Georgia in the frame of an Erasmus Plus project.
"No hate" X 3: formare, implicare, schimb de bune practici
Andreea, Georgiana și Cristina tocmai și-au început Fellowship-ul european pe tema drepturilor omului printr-un program de formare găzduit în Bulgaria. Programul se desfășoară în cadrul unui proiect Erasmus+ ce se va derula pe parcursul anului 2015 incluzând activități locale de diseminare de rezultate și un seminar de schimb de bune practici în Tbilisi, Georgia.
Programul de Fellowship european este prima inițiativă de acest tip a GEYC și își propune să concerteze eforturile și resursele organizației pe un domeniu prioritar de intervenție - drepturile omului.
Programul de Fellowship european este prima inițiativă de acest tip a GEYC și își propune să concerteze eforturile și resursele organizației pe un domeniu prioritar de intervenție - drepturile omului.
Time to start our European Fellowship on Human Rights
Our European fellows, Andreea, Cristina and Georgiana said "Hi" from Bansko, Bulgaria where they are attending the first training course of their #fellowship in the frame of "No hate speech movement".
They are part of a 5 months programme aimed to promote human rights at local level, particularly the "No hate speech movement" initiated by the Council of Europe.
They are part of a 5 months programme aimed to promote human rights at local level, particularly the "No hate speech movement" initiated by the Council of Europe.
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |