Showing posts with label ka2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ka2. Show all posts
The start of our new Erasmus+ KA210-YOU | Crossroads – An experiential learning approach to the intersectionality of global issues for marginalised young people
climate change,
Global Goals,
young people
The start of the KA2 project "Youth Volunteer Educators e-learning Program"
e-VELP’s primary aim is to enable young migrants/refugees to create and offer free workshops that tap into their talents to share their knowledge and culture. The program will work to ease their integration into their new environment and open more opportunities for finding work. Building an active community of motivated young migrant/refugee volunteer educators (VEs) and youth volunteer educator trainers (VE-Trainers) is an essential part of the growth foreseen for the e-VELP project.
European Fellowship on Sustainable Development
European Fellowship on Sustainable Development (EFSD) is a complex programme based on SDGs for young people 18-30 years old from Romania, under the aegis of EllE project and will have the duration of 5 months (July 2019 - December 2019).
#PlayEurope, 2 digital resources to become Social entrepreneurs 8 European Countries together to fight youth unemployment
EN: The Erasmus+ project #PlayEurope - EduGames for Active Citizenship is coming to an end with several successful outcomes achieved during its development and implementation: a Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship, a Step‐by‐Step Guide "Become Social Entrepreneur in 7 days" and 10 workshops carried out in all partners’ Countries to test the efficiency and the user experience of the above mentioned resources.
RO: Proiectul Erasmus+ #PlayEurope - Jocurile Educative pentru Cetățenie Activă se aproprie de sfârșit cu rezultate de succes, realizate în timpul dezvoltării și implementării sale: Manualul Poveștilor de Succes în Antreprenoriat Social, un Ghid Pas-cu-Pas Devino Antreprenor Social în 7 zile și 10 ateliere desfășurate în toate țările partenerilor pentru a testa eficiența și experiența utilizatorilor asupra resurselor menționate.
The Women Get Back - Final Conference in Lima, Peru & end of the project
The Women Get Back (WGB) is a Capacity Building project within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme with 5 project partners from Europe (Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain) and 5 project partners from Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Nicaragua).
ACT ONline Training Course, 18-24 September 2018, Bansko, Bulgaria
The training “Online activism” was a part of the long-term project “TURN ONline: digital transformation of youth organizations, promoting peace and Human Rights”, that is financed by Spanish National Agency under the Key Action 2 of ERASMUS PLUS Programme.
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