We are hosting our partners from Italy and Spain for the C4 - Final Training Action of the project #PROruralheritage - Promote Rural Heritage by Youth Workers and currently finalizing the Manual of Competences: "Advisor for the promotion of cultural heritage in rural areas".
In order to understand the #challenges and #needs that the #rural youth face and to know how is most suitable to use cultural heritage as a tool of economic development and social inclusion, we created the profile of "advisor for the promotion of cultural heritage in rural areas". This person needs to be able to use digital tools to raise awareness about rural heritage, especially among young people and parties actively involved in the project's thematic. The combination of tradition and modernity is essential in the process of rural development without leaving no one behind.
During the meeting, we worked on finalizing the Manual of Competences and the communication strategies, specifically the impact section, which has been done in a participatory way together with youth workers that attended the blended mobility in October 2022 in Cantabria, and the final conclusions.
It is important to take into account that the creation of the advisor is born to respond to the challenges and opportunities that youngsters are facing in the rural areas belonging to the “Promote Rural Heritage by Youth Workers project”.
Having made a collaborative diagnosis of the situation that these regions are facing, the partners of this project emphasized the need of creating this job post, a young person that works as an advisor for the promotion of cultural heritage in rural areas. We strongly believe that this manual will serve as a starting point and a common ground for youngsters living in rural areas, public institutions and private actors that have an active role in the socioeconomic development of rural regions, so keep an eye out for its publication!