e-VELP’s primary aim is to enable young migrants/refugees to create and offer free workshops that tap into their talents to share their knowledge and culture. The program will work to ease their integration into their new environment and open more opportunities for finding work. Building an active community of motivated young migrant/refugee volunteer educators (VEs) and youth volunteer educator trainers (VE-Trainers) is an essential part of the growth foreseen for the e-VELP project.
Showing posts with label workshops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshops. Show all posts
03 April 2020
24 November 2017
"Creative Arts for Youth Participation", a youth exchange to remember in La Vancelle, France
Between October 30 and November 5, 2017, we spent an amazing time in a youth exchange that aimed to enhance our creativity, immerse in French culture and meet amazing people from 5 countries – Macedonia, France, Greece, Romania and Lithuania.
02 December 2016
Training-project management, ”Let's Play”, Cehia
Trainingul “Let’s Play” a avut loc în perioada 12-19 noiembrie, în Liberec, Cehia. Scopul acestuia a fost însuşirea competenţelor manageriale de proiect prin workshop-uri desfăşurate, atât indoor cât şi outdoor, de către 20 de tineri din Cehia, Spania, Italia, Lituania, Turcia, România, Moldova, Ucraina şi Polonia.
30 July 2014
Workshop-urile SMARTER: Cum a fost?
Aproximativ 50 de tineri
din Bucureşti au avut ocazia de a participa gratuit la workshop-urile oferite de Asociaţia GEYC, în
parteneriat cu BRD Groupe Societe General, pe
următoarele teme:
- Comunicare și social media, 21 iulie 2014;
- Organizare evenimente și social media, 25 iulie 2014;
La finalul ambelor workshop-uri s-au acordat
certificate de participare. Evenimentele au avut loc la Spaţiul Public European.
Cele două ateliere s-au derulat în cadrul
Campaniei SMARTER din proiectul cu acelaşi nume organizat
de Asociația GEYC cu sprijinul financiar al Comisiei Europene prin programul „Tineret
în acțiune”.
29 April 2014
GEYC takes part to “From the Bin To the Gallery” European exchange
GEYC is proud to represent Romania at the European project "From
the Bin To the Gallery", that will take place near Serres, north of
Greece, from 30th of April till 7th of May 2014. This is a youth exchange
project aimed to raise awareness regarding the artistic use of recycled
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