Showing posts with label czech republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label czech republic. Show all posts

GEYC's "Make Sense" Journey: Sharpening Critical Thinking in Kolin

Training Course: [CZ-258] Expert UP!, 14.07.2019 - 22.07.2019

27 youth workers from 9 countries took part in a training course in the Czech Republic on the topic of social entrepreneurship and digital skills.

Training-project management, ”Let's Play”, Cehia

Trainingul “Let’s Play” a avut loc în perioada 12-19 noiembrie, în Liberec, Cehia. Scopul acestuia a fost însuşirea competenţelor manageriale de proiect prin workshop-uri desfăşurate, atât indoor cât şi outdoor, de către 20 de tineri din Cehia, Spania, Italia, Lituania, Turcia, România, Moldova, Ucraina şi Polonia. 

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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