Showing posts with label digital skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital skills. Show all posts

Training Course: [CZ-258] Expert UP!, 14.07.2019 - 22.07.2019

27 youth workers from 9 countries took part in a training course in the Czech Republic on the topic of social entrepreneurship and digital skills.

The start of the KA2 Partnership "Youth Workers 2.0"!

“Youth Workers 2.0” project will provide guidance and training for youth workers across Europe on how to use ICT tools and digital methods to better deliver basic skills youth education. This will be done through an integrative approach in collecting, sharing and disseminating innovative and inclusive teaching and learning practices using ICT tools and digital methods.

Young Digital Leaders Impact Report

Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide education pilot project aiming to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills, so that they can become tomorrow’s digital leaders.

România se alătură inițiativei ”Young Digital Leaders” / Romania is now joining Young Digital Leaders

RO: Google și ISD sunt de părere că tinerii trebuie să joace un rol activ în a crea o comunitate online amuzantă, pozitivă și energică. Ne dorim să dezvoltăm competențele necesare pentru ca tinerii să facă cele mai bune decizii în mediul online. Ne referim astfel la a-i învăța cum să devină lideri digitali, nu doar niște simpli cetățeni -- să știe cum să răspundă troll-ilor din mediul online și când și unde să solicite ajutor.

EN: Google and ISD believe that young people should learn to be upstanders, not bystanders in order to create a fun, positive and vibrant community online. We want to equip young people with the necessary skills so that they can be empowered to make the right choices online. This means learning how to be a digital leader, not just citizen -- to know how to respond to trolls online, and when and where to go for help. 

Develop your digital skills on our new e-learning platform!

We are extremely happy to announce the launch of the e-learning courses developed in the framework of eSkills for Volunteers project. These e-learning courses will empower youth workers and volunteers to fully exploit all the potentials of digital education and digital skills and give the possibility to NGOs to count on volunteers/young ICT experts. Check it now!

The world of blogging - share your story to the world

Being online is considered today a must. Most people possess a Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter account, especially the youth generation. Online Media has become a social trend, technology has evolved and one has to adapt in order to keep up with others.

But what turns into something very popular today is creating a blog.

From online speaking to digital talking

To respond to the current challenges of technology innovation and development, which makes the user a central point of the communication process, EU should fundamentally change the paradigm of its digital discourse. The shift from speaking to talking would respond to the urgent need of a systemic transforming, and achieve a win-win way, where both EU and citizens get the best out of the exchange of information.

SMARTER project -
Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources

Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources (SMARTER) is an intensive 9 days training course for 34 participants from 14 countries (Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey) and 16 organisations (non profit, bodies active at European level, informal groups). 
The project will take place in Bucharest, Romania from 22th to 31st of August 2014.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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