GEYC Community Impact Report

Today, people need to be equipped with a variety of skills ranging from basic skills, such as literacy, numeracy and digital, to vocational or technical skills as well as entrepreneurial skills and transversal skills, such as foreign languages or the ability to learn and take initiative. It is widely known that formal education can not empower you with every skill you need, and this is where non-formal education and extracurricular activities come into play.

This Report mainly analyses the effect of European mobilities and extracurricular activities on young people’s skills and competences and how these can contribute to finding a job. 

The GEYC10 Changemakers competition and the Impact Report were organized within the KA2 Youth Workers 2.0 project, as the GEYC Community is the first digital youth community in Romania, and the purpose of this KA2 project is to promote the use of digital tools in working with young people.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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