Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

The power of critical thinking in an online world

“Social media gives legions of imbeciles the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community [...] but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner”.

Training Course: [DE-281] Social Video Makers, 05.08.2019-12.08.2019, Velbert (Essen), Germany

From the 5th until the 12th of August members of the GEYC Community had the chance to take part in the Social Video Makers Training Course in Velbert, Germany. The primary goal of the project was to teach youth workers how to shoot, edit and distribute online videos.

Alătură-te echipei GEYC!

#GEYCuleț este în căutarea unui nou membru al echipei interne. Dacă ești isteț, descurcăreț, energic și îți dorești să te implici în activitățile interne ale asociației GEYC, aplică acum!

"Young people on Social Media" - presentation at Anne Frank House

It's a well known fact that nowadays youngsters are spending a lot of their spare time on Social Media platforms. While they enjoy their time on Snapchat, Facebook, Whatsapp and others, both psychologist and parents tend to worry about their mental health and their safety.

Provocare: Cum comunicăm pe rețele sociale? // Challenge: How to communicate in social media?

English version below

În cadrul workshop-ului de debut al celei de-a treia ediții „Promotori pentru democrație europeană”, echipa GEYC a susținut o sesiune pe tema „Cum comunicăm pe rețele sociale?” menită să îi pregătească pe promotori să utilizeze eficient mijloacele digitale în realizarea activităților lor de comunicare europeană.
During the start workshop of the third edition of "Promoters for European Democracy", GEYC team led a session on "How to communicate in social media?" aiming to train the promoters in using efficiently digital means for their communication activities.

Call for 5 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in Bayburt, Turkey (25.04 - 02.05.2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "Social Detox" European project that will take place in Bayburt, Turkey from 25.04 to 02.05.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to explain the contemporary problem which slowly is taking worrying dimensions, social media addiction. Deadline: 3 January 2016 | Apply now!

The world of blogging - share your story to the world

Being online is considered today a must. Most people possess a Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter account, especially the youth generation. Online Media has become a social trend, technology has evolved and one has to adapt in order to keep up with others.

But what turns into something very popular today is creating a blog.

PRISMA European Fair & PRISMA Network Launch, 18th April 2015

EN: On 18th of April (10 am - 2 pm), at Cluj Napoca, GEYC organizes PRISMA European Fair gathering over 20 European organisations in order to bring European opportunities (traineeships, learning mobilities, volunteer stages and many others) to Cluj Napoca young people. The event is organized in the frame of the European Youth Capital - 2015 together with Share Federation. Free access.

RO: Pe 18 aprilie (10:00 - 14:00), la Cluj Napoca, GEYC organizează evenimentul ”PRISMA European Fair” aducând în fața tinerilor clujeni oportunități oferite de peste 20 de organizații europene (programe de practică, de schimb de experiență, mobilități de învățare, stagii de voluntariat și multe altele). Evenimentul se înscrie în suita activităților Capitalei Europene de Tineret - 2015 fiind organizat alături de Federația SHARE. Intrarea liberă.

PRISMA Conference: Youth framework in National and European context, 17th April 2015

PRISMA Conference is part of PRISMA Seminar (16.04.2015-20.04.2015), a 3 days interactive seminar for 28 participants from 12 countries and 22 organisations, with the purpose of creating a European Network of organisations interested in developing their capacity through social media tools. The Seminar is an activity of PRISMA Project (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management – a Social Media Approach) organised by Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC with the financial support of the European Commission through ERASMUS+ program (KA1).

Useful tutorials: using social media tools for project management

The participants from Erasmus+, KA1 PRISMA Training Course learned how to raise their project management efficiency through social media tools and networking.  After a week of nonformal education methods, based on active involvement of the participants, they worked in teams and created 6 useful tutorials about some of the subjects that were discussed during the project. We want to share these presentations with you and we hope that you will find them helpful. Enjoy!

PRISMA Project description - Erasmus+, KA1

PRISMA (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management - a Social Media Approach) is a complex KA1 mobility project aiming to empower youth workers, youth leaders and project managers from 22 youth organisations from 12 countries  (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Turkey - EU/Programme countries and Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia- Eastern Europe & Caucasus) to raise their project management efficiency through social media tools and networking.

Free ebook: How to use social media wise for your organisation

Many organisations need to organize better their social media presence. "Social networks management policies" is a free ebook prepared by GEYC in the frame of SMARTER project in order to support specially youth organisation towards this need. It includes: international best practices, a policy methodology template and also GEYC's example.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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