17 March 2015

PRISMA Conference: Youth framework in National and European context, 17th April 2015

PRISMA Conference is part of PRISMA Seminar (16.04.2015-20.04.2015), a 3 days interactive seminar for 28 participants from 12 countries and 22 organisations, with the purpose of creating a European Network of organisations interested in developing their capacity through social media tools. The Seminar is an activity of PRISMA Project (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management – a Social Media Approach) organised by Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC with the financial support of the European Commission through ERASMUS+ program (KA1).

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The event is offering the adequate framework for discussing and establishing the set of concepts, practices and criteria which applies to youth organisations at national and European levels.

Conference agenda (please keep in mind that changes may appear, as this is only a draft)

Location: Sala de Sticlă , inside Primăria Cluj-Napoca. See map.
                     (Glass Hall, inside the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca)

-the attendance is by Invitation ONLY;
-participants registration starts at 9:30;
-the official language of the conference is ENGLISH;


You are not in Cluj on the 17th of April? Then you can participate at the E-Conference! What does this mean? During PRISMA Conference we will be posting updates on this event Facebook page and you can interact with us and with the speakers by asking questions and posting comments. You will receive answers to your questions from our speakers, live during the conference.

Moreover, the most active participants will receive a PRISMA Promo Pack which includes PRISMA branded products: pen, bookmark, T-Shirt, folder, block notes and USB pen laser pointer.

The participants at the E-Conference will receive a PRISMA accredited certificate. In order to be eligible for the certificate, you have to:
• Complete this form for the live online event registration
• Join the Facebook live event and have 3 or more reactions on it during the E-Conference (a reaction is asking a relevant question or posting a relevant comment)
• Sending print-screens to your reactions at pr@geyc.ro after the E-Conference

Sounds interesting? Then complete this form for the live online event registration. 

After the conference you will also receive all the presentations held during the event.

For questions, sponsorships, partnerships and other related enquires about PRISMA Conference, please contact Mrs. Ana Maria LULEA - Resources Center Responsible at anamaria.lulea@geyc.ro.

The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of the National Agency and the European Commission, the entire responsibility being taken by its author (GEYC association).


Conferinţa „Youth framework in National and European context” face parte din Seminarul PRISMA (16-20/04/2015), un seminar intensiv de 3 zile pentru 28 de participanţi din 12 ţări şi 22 organizaţii, ce are ca scop crearea unei reţele Europene de organizaţii interesate în dezvoltarea capacităţii lor prin instrumente de social media. Seminarul PRISMA este organizat în cadrul proiectului PRISMA (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management – a Social Media Approach) organizat de Asociaţia GEYC cu sprijinul financiar al Comisiei Europene prin programul „ERASMUS+” (KA1)..

Conferința oferă cadrul adecvat pentru stabilirea și discutarea ansamblului de concepte, practici si criterii care se aplică în cadrul organizațiilor de tineret la nivel național și European

Agenda conferinței (pot avea loc mici modificări)

Locaţie: Sala de Sticlă, în incinta Primăriei Cluj-Napoca. Vezi hartă.

- participarea la conferinţă se face DOAR în baza invitaţiei;
- înregistrarea participanţilor se face începând cu 09:30;
- limba oficială a conferinţei este limba engleză;


Pentru întrebări, sponsorizări, parteneriate şi alte cereri despre conferinţă, vă rugăm sa o contactaţi pe Dra. Ana Maria LULEA - Responsabil Centru de Resurse la anamaria.lulea@geyc.ro.

Conținutul acestui material reprezintă viziunea autorului (Asociația GEYC), iar Agenția Națională și Comisia Europeană nu sunt responsabile pentru nicio utilizare care poate fi dată acestor informații.