Showing posts with label mobilitate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobilitate. Show all posts

22 March 2024

GEYC14: Changemaker Starter Kit

29 July 2017

Căutăm un voluntar pentru un stagiu EVS de 10 luni în Maribor, Slovenia - Capitala Europeană a Tineretului în 2013

GEYC caută un voluntar (18-30 ani) pentru un stagiu de voluntariat european (EVS) de 10 luni în orașul Maribor din Slovenia - Capitala Europeană a Tineretului din 2013. Proiectul începe pe 25 septembrie 2017 și vizează activități de tineret specifice culturii urbane și participării civice.

13 June 2016

Înscrie-te la workshop-ul European Mobility, ed. a 14-a, București, 5 iulie 2016

Pe 5 iulie 2016, GEYC te provoacă să iei parte la cea de-a 14-a ediție a evenimentului European Mobility. Activitatea îți va prezenta cum poți lua parte la oportunitățile aduse de programul Erasmus+, să călătorești, să înveți și să te descoperi în cadrul Uniunii Europene, în special Serviciul European de Voluntariat (SEV). Activitatea reprezintă o diseminare de rezultate a proiectului Erasmus+ EQYP.  Participarea este gratuită. Locuri limitate. Înscrieri până pe 1 iulie 2016.

25 May 2016

“First aid, second chance” prin ochii noștri.

Proiectul “First aid, second chance” a devenit accesibil nouă printr-un singur click. Nu ne-am imaginat în acea secundă că acel click o să fie pistonul aventurii noastre. Astfel, șase tineri, ușor timizi, sceptici am dat pentru prima dată mâna pe 13 mai și am pornit entuziasmați spre „tărâmul” atât al distracției, al voii bune, cât și al cunoașterii ți responsabilității.

21 May 2016

Call for 4 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (24.10.-30.10.2016)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "Be an European citizen, become an eco-citizen" European project that will take place in La Vancelle , France from 24.10 to 30.10.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to show how to live among other Europeans citizen while respecting the sustainability in terms of the environment and economy. Deadline: 31 May 2016 | Apply now!

12 May 2016

Ești tânăr și vrei să te implici? Nimic mai simplu…. Comunitatea ta te așteaptă!

Cu siguranță dacă citești acest articol ești printre acei oameni care la un moment dat a recunoscut faptul că trebuie să fie schimbarea pe care vrea să o vadă în lume, că este esențial să evolueze față de versiunea sa de ieri și nu în cele din urmă, este benefic să fie de ajutor și să nu facă mai mult rău decât bine. Însă întrebarea la care mulți se chinuie să răspundă este cum?

11 May 2016

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training Course in Munster, Germany (18-27 July 2016)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Digital Participation Camp: take the lead!" European project that will take place in Munster, Germany between 18.07-17.07.2016. The main aim of this training course is to create an active international network of digital innovators, social entrepreneurs, designers, developers and content creators to unite skills and work together on digital projects for social good. Deadline: 22 May 2016 | Apply now!

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Petrosani, Romania (11-17 July 2016)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Rhythm" European project that will take place in Petrosani, Romania between 11.07-17.07.2016. The main aim of this youth exchange is to focused on healthy life-style and nutrition. Deadline: 18 May 2016 | Apply now!

11 April 2016

Youth in CRISIS, Agros, Cyprus

Între 12 și 19 martie, în Agros, Cipru a avut loc schimbul de tineret ”Youth in CRISIS”, un proiect european care a reunit peste 50 de participanți. Tibi a decis să împărtășească experiența trăită în acest proiect prin intermediul acestui articol. Sunteți curioși să aflați mai mult?

13 January 2016

Call for 5 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in Aydin, Turkey (13-20 May)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "First aid, second chance" European project that will take place in Aydin, Turkey from 13 to 20 May 2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to of raise awareness of deaths caused by fatal drownings in summer seasons. Deadline: 24 January 2016 | Apply now!

01 January 2016

Call for 4 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (23.04 - 01.05.2016)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "What is life" European project that will take place in La Vancelle , France from 23.04 to 01.05.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to encourage participants to acknowledge the current digital revolution, as opposed to the undergoing changes. Deadline: 12 January 2016 | Apply now!

24 December 2015

Call for 5 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in Bayburt, Turkey (25.04 - 02.05.2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "Social Detox" European project that will take place in Bayburt, Turkey from 25.04 to 02.05.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to explain the contemporary problem which slowly is taking worrying dimensions, social media addiction. Deadline: 3 January 2016 | Apply now!

24 October 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training Course in Flaxley - Gloucestershire, UK (18 - 26 Jan 2016)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Act for your Community! Training on Community development" European project that will take place in Flaxley - Gloucestershire, UK from 18 to 26 January 2016. The main aim of this training course is to transform the youth in becoming active contributors of their communities and inspire others around them to become more aware, inclusive and engaged in their environment. make a positive effect on unemployment issues and on young workers participants by sharing their experiences from the project. Deadline: 3 November 2015 | Apply now!

26 September 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training Course in Tallinn, Estonia (8-15 November 2015)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Break A Brick- Youth Against Social Exclusion" European project that will take place in the surroundings of Tallinn (3 Km), Estonia from 8 to 15 November 2015. This project will treat the phenomena of exclusion and it is a matter of necessity related by the boost of social exclusion rate among young people in the European Countries. Deadline: 3 October 2015 | Apply now!

17 September 2015

Call for 5 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (15-21 February 2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Cultural Rendezvous Through Beatboxing" European project that will take place in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France from 15 February to 21 February 2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to support learning music in order to provide skills and elements that will help the next generation gaining a better understanding of self and others. Deadline: 29 September 2015 | Apply now!

11 September 2015

Call for 2 Romanian participants: Seminar in Murzasichle (Malopolska Province), Poland (20-25 October 2015)

GEYC is selecting 2 Romanian participants, to take part in "Step into Democracy" European project that will take place in Murzasichle (Malopolska Province), Poland from 20 to 25 October  2015. The main aim of the seminar is to support the development of civil society and to make young people active participants in social life, both at local and European level. Deadline: 19 September 2015 | Apply now!

19 August 2015

Call for 4 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (26 October-1 November 2015)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "Move and Sing" European project that will take place in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France from 26 October to 1 November 2015. The main aim of the youth exchange is to promote intercultural understanding between young Europeans, to sensitize them to European citizenship’s issues and sustainable development through various activities based on formal and non-formal education methods. Deadline: 26 August 2015 | Apply now!

17 August 2015

Call for 15 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Cosenza, Italy (21-30 September 2015)

GEYC is selecting 15 Romanian participants, to take part in the "Foodology" European project that will take place in Cosenza, Italy from 21 to 30 September 2015. The main aim of the youth exchange is to counter the spread of bad eating habits among young people, guiding them towards a responsible consumption and respect for nature and health. Call closed!

30 July 2015

Cum o săptămână în Limassol ne-a făcut mai informați, mai toleranți și dornici de o schimbare pozitivă în jurul nostru

7 zile aproape de mare, într-o companie plăcută, dezvoltându-ne abilitățile personale și acumulând noi informații. Ce și-ar fi putut dori mai mult 6 participanți români care au petrecut o săptămână deosebită la țărmul Mediteranei?

07 July 2015

Call for 6 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Frankolovo, Slovenia (17-27 August 2015)

GEYC is selecting 6 Romanian participants, to take part in "A touch of sLOVEnia" European project that will take place in Frankolovo, Slovenia from 17 to 27 August 2015. The main aim of the training course is to enhance intercultural dialogue, to add more awareness and love into our relations with people, to learn how to cooperate and work as a team, to practice non-violent communication, to work on inclusion, to break prejudices and create a more peaceful and loving environment. Deadline: 15 July 2015 | Apply now!