Call for 6 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Frankolovo, Slovenia (17-27 August 2015)

GEYC is selecting 6 Romanian participants, to take part in "A touch of sLOVEnia" European project that will take place in Frankolovo, Slovenia from 17 to 27 August 2015. The main aim of the training course is to enhance intercultural dialogue, to add more awareness and love into our relations with people, to learn how to cooperate and work as a team, to practice non-violent communication, to work on inclusion, to break prejudices and create a more peaceful and loving environment. Deadline: 15 July 2015 | Apply now!

Please notice that this call is for Romanian participants only. Other application will not be considered.
Deadline: 15 July 2015 | Apply now!

You will spend 11 beautiful days, playing, learning, laughing, growing and thankfully sharing whatever the experience brings to us. The participants will cook their own vegetarian meals, sleep in a barn, tell stories by the campfire or watch the stars in long summer nights. In whatever you'll  do, you'll work on the establishment of a loving and responsible attitude towards oneself, other people and the environment, as only such an attitude allows a full development of each individual and is also a necessary foundation for a healthy and harmonious society as a whole.

About the project: 
We live in a fast paced and increasingly competitive world that often leaves little room for love - the most basic thing that connects us all, promotes our growth and gives meaning and true beauty to our existence. To bring some more of the much-needed "Vitamin L" to our common world and interpersonal relationships, an international project "A Touch of sLOVEnia" was developed by Metta Association and its partners. The Youth exchange will be held in the end of August (17th-27th) 2015. It will bring together 25 young and motivated participants from four European countries (Estonia, Italy, Romania and Slovenia). It will take place on a small organic farm near Celje, Slovenia. In this charming environment we’ll try to create a pleasant and safe atmosphere that will enable our personal growth and interactive exploration of socially relevant topics, such as the deepening of intercultural dialogue, tolerance, non-discrimination, non-violent communication, justice, equity and social cohesion. The methodology used will be based on the principles of active participation and informal and non-formal learning. Theoretical aspects will be integrated in an interactive way. The project will include a variety of activities designed to improve our social skills and promote our self-awareness, autonomy, and self-esteem, improve our ability of cooperation and teamwork, and increase the capacity for solidarity and empathy. Special attention will be given to the reflection process and evaluation of learning outcomes. We will speak English by which we will also improve our language skills and learn about the multicultural aspect of communication. There will be a full-day public event ("Path of Awakening the Senses") carried out within the project. It will present our work to the general public and offer the possibility of interactive participation of the local population.

Planned activities:
- ice-breakers, energisers,
- team-building activities and trust-building games,
- exercises to increase confidence and improve self-esteem,
- workshop on non-violent communication,
- public event: Path of Awakening the Senses
- evening programme: culture nights, movie night and a campfire,
- leisure activities: swimming, paddling... on a nearby lake,
- trip to the historical centre of a nearby town

Available places:
-5 participants between 17-25 years old
-one group leader witn no age limit

Selection criteria:
-between 17-25 years old (the leader has no age limit)
-gender balance
-special priority is to be given to the participants with fewer opportunities, i.e. young people who may be facing any type of cultural or educational difficulties, economic, geographical or social obstacles

Deadline: 15 July 2015 | Apply now!


  • until 13 July 2015: submitting the application form
  • by 25th of July: selection of participants, notifications and confirmations (paying the participation fee - please notice that the participation fee is non-reimbursable) 
    Note: if you won't receive an e-mail by 25th of July 2015, it means that we found other suitable candidates for this project. 
  • by 27 of July: arranging the travel details (please be ready to cover your travel costs) feel free to check for the current price level. GEYC will support you throughout the booking process and the reimbursement procedure; 
  • between 17th and 27th of August: the youth exchange will take place

  • Financial details:
    The organizers will cover the following costs with the support of the European Commission: 
    • 100% of meals, accommodation, activities costs; 
    • Transport cost up to 170 EUR per participant
    Participants will be required to cover: 
    • a participation fee covering administrative costs for this project to GEYC (the fee will be paid in RON, by bank transfer; the fee will be paid after the participants are selected). Please don't pay any fee before you receive the confirmation e-mail): 135 RON (30 EURO) for GEYC Community (please note that for this call we will consider the members that joined the Community before July, 7th, 2015) applicants and  225 RON (50 EUR) for other applicants (GEYC active volunteers are not required to pay the participation fee); The fee is calculated at a fixed exchage rate (EUR=4.5 RON)
    • (if needed) transport cost - only the amount exceeding 170 EUR
    • (if needed) medical insurance; 
    • (if needed) any other personal costs.

    Relevant information 
    • In order to start their travel for the mobilities, Romanian participants should own a valid ID card or passport.
    • Arrangements regarding medical insurance are the responsibility of the participants.
    • In order to be reimbursed, Romanian participants should start their travel from Romania.
    • Please make sure you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of GEYC European mobility programs before you apply.
    • Participants that are less than 18 years old need a written consent from their parents/guardians.
    • The accomodation will be on a farm (shared bedrooms in a barn, solar showers, nice and clean compost toilets...) but pleasant. Meals are vegetarian, we can provide for special diets.
    • There is a strict no alcohol and no drug abuse policy to be respected throughout the youth exchange
    • All the participants should see that they have a valid European Health Insurance Card with them. This document can be obtained free of charge but this must be arranged in advance in the country of residence. 
    • You can see below a draft schedule of the project.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us through the Contact form or by Facebook (as a private message). Please mention ”A touch of sLOVEnia Project” when you contact us.

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    GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

    Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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