Call for 4 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (23.04 - 01.05.2016)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "What is life" European project that will take place in La Vancelle , France from 23.04 to 01.05.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to encourage participants to acknowledge the current digital revolution, as opposed to the undergoing changes. Deadline: 12 January 2016 | Apply now!

Please notice that this call is for Romanian participants only. Other applications will not be considered.
Deadline: 12 January 2016 | Apply now!

Ana Maria Lulea. one of the participants from the previous project "Rhytm and Move" that took place in La Vancelle, had an amazing experience there. She is sharing with us some of her photos below.

You will have the change to visit the European Parliament

You will also visit Strasbourg City

And why not a trip to Switzerland

About the project:
Since a few years, we have been witnessing a phenomenon whereby people (regardless their education, background, occupation) are increasingly more willing to question and/or take part in the current digital revolution, as opposed to undergoing these changes passively. An example of this attitude is the opening of workshops such as Makers spaces, Fablabs, Hacker spaces all over the globe. This Erasmus + project aims to encourage participants to acknowledge this trend by growing more aware of this social phenomenon. To achieve this goal, throughout this exchange, participants will explore aspects of digital practical) which are novel to them.

The objectives of the project are: 
-motivate youngsters to live an intercultural experience ;
-encourage participants to operate unusual, hence creative associations ; 
-favor comparison, exchange between youngsters of different nationalities ;
-motivate youngsters to fuel the development of new realities such as fablabs, maker spaces, hacker spaces, in their own countries ;
-invite reflection on the consequences of the latest technological developments, especially concerning artificial intelligence (A.I.) and the social media, and encourage participants to form an opinion and develop a critical attitude towards them ;
-encourage participants to view DIY under a novel angle, thus distancing themselves from full blown consumerism ;
-improve participants prospects for employment, especially in the domain of the digital industry ;

-practical activities involving computers, microcontrollers, but also DIY. Each activity will serve to highlight participants views on issues regarding artificial intelligence and digital technologies, and will therefore be followed by group discussions; 
-designing experiments to test participants attitudes towards certain issues surrounding artificial intelligence and digital technologies; 
-role plays, and other team building activities;
-Intercultural evenings for promoting group cohesion

Available places:
-4 participants between 16-30 years old
-one group leader with no age limit

Selection criteria:
-personal and professional motivation
-gender balance
-between 16-30 years old (no age limit for the leader)
-english language, french is a plus
-GEYC volunteers and GEYC Community applicants will have priority to participate

Deadline: 12 January 2016 | Apply now


  • until 12 January 2016: submitting the application form
  • by 27 January 2016: selection of participants, notifications and confirmations (paying the participation fee - please notice that the participation fee is non-reimbursable) 
    Note: if you won't receive an e-mail by 27 January 2016, it means that we found other suitable candidates for this project. 
  • by 3 February 2016: arranging the travel details (please be ready to cover your travel costs - the reimbursement will be done after the project based on the proof of original tickets) feel free to check for the current price level. GEYC will support you throughout the booking process and the reimbursement procedure; 
  • between 23.04.-01.05.2016: the youth exchange takes place

  • Financial details:
    The organizers will cover the following costs with the support of the European Commission: 
    • 100% of meals, accommodation, activities costs; 
    • Transport cost up to 170 EUR per participants (Note: the reimbursement will be done after the project by bank transfer)
    Participants will be required to cover: 
    • a participation fee covering administrative costs for this project (the fee will be paid in RON, by bank transfer; the fee will be paid after the participants are selected). Please don't pay any fee before you receive the confirmation e-mail): 135 RON (30 EURO) for GEYC Community (please note that for this call we will consider the members that joined the Community before 1 January 2016) applicants and 225 RON (50 EUR) for other applicants (GEYC active volunteers are not required to pay the participation fee); The fee is calculated at a fixed exchage rate (EUR=4.5 RON)
    • (if needed) transport cost - the amount exceeding 170 EUR
    • (if needed) medical insurance; 
    • (if needed) any other personal costs.

    Relevant information 
    • In order to start their travel, Romanian participants should own a valid ID or passport.
    • Arrangements regarding medical insurance are the responsibility of the participants.
    • In order to be reimbursed, Romanian participants should start their travel from Romania.
    • Please make sure you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of GEYC European mobility programs before you apply
    • The refund for the travel will be made by bank transfer to GEYC Association, when the original tickets and boarding passes (for the way back home) will arrive to the organisers in France (by post or by e-mail). GEYC will also transfer to all the participants.
    • Bring: typical food/drinks, music from Romania, pictures etc. to present at the Intercultural Night
    • You should bring: laptop (not tablet), raincoat and comfortable shoes, camera and SD card (only if you have), USB cable (only if you have), board games (only if you have)
    • Accomodation will be at MJC La Vancelle
    • Wi-fi is not available in the hostel but there is bar « next door » where you can check your e-mails
    • Bring your European Health Card (if you don't have it, please ask our coordinator that will contact you for this project)
    • You will also have specific tasks to prepaire for the project, you will receive more information about them when you will be contacted by our coordinator

    Deadline: 12 January 2016 | Apply now!

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us through the Contact form or by Facebook (as a private message). Please mention ”What is life Project” when you contact us.

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    GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

    Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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