Showing posts with label Erasmus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erasmus. Show all posts

22 January 2020

The start of the KA3 project "DIVERSE"

The Key Action 3 project "DIVERSE" aims to promote social inclusion and diversity in multicultural classrooms with an increased number of children from refugee/migrant/ minority background through the use of creative methods and more specifically, storytelling methods. It is going to use e-learning as a method to train teachers. The project is funded by Erasmus+

24 December 2018

European Digital Youth Summit 2018: The story after the story

Varianta în limba română este disponibilă mai jos

#EDYS18, held under the High Patronage of the European Parliament, gathered in the Transilvania University of Brașov around 200 local, national and international participants from more than 10 countries. EDYS - European Digital Youth Summit 2018 had a diverse Opening Panel - welcoming government, academia and civil society representatives from Brașov and abroad - which made it eclectic and interesting both for the physical and online audience. The online presence of the event reached 35k social media users and our live transmission reached almost 20k users.

09 December 2018

#învizită „Cultural Mapping of Chișinău on Social Media”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, 30 Noiembrie - 2 Decembrie 2018

Comunitatea GEYC a organizat o vizită de studiu în Chișinău, numită „Cultural Mapping of Chișinău on Social Media”, aceasta fiind cea de-a doua deplasare externă, în afara României, din cadrul programului #invizita. 12 tineri din România și Republica Moldova au luat parte la mobilitate, însoțiți de trei participanți ai programului EFYL, „European Fellowship on Youth Leadership” (Alina, Călin și Raluca).

26 November 2018

You(th) lead: developing leadership skills throughout 1 week of non-formal education in Šibenik, Croatia

A seven day training course, named “You(th) lead”, was implemented in the city of Šibenik, Croatia. The project involved a total of 30 participants over the age of 21 from 9 different EU countries, the main activities taking place between the 22nd and the 28th of October 2018.

14 June 2018

EVS, Stegen, Germany- We all smile in the same language

Maria went in what would be an adventure of a lifetime. She had an interesting experience being an European volunteer in Germany, where she could barely speak the language and communicate with  others around. Let's see how she did.

13 June 2017

Celebrăm a 30-a aniversare a programului Erasmus cu noi oportunități de voluntariat european (SEV / EVS)

Sărbătorim astăzi 30 de ani de la lansarea celebrului program de mobilități de studiu - Erasmus, devenit astăzi Erasmus+ și cuprinzând o gamă largă de oportunități de dezvoltare în domeniul educației, tineretului, formării profesionale și a sportului. Se vehiculează că până în prezent peste 9 milioane de persoane au beneficiat de aceste programe.
Desigur, nici membrii Comunității GEYC nu sunt străini de aceste oportunități.

01 September 2016

100 de mobilităţi pe an nu se coordonează singure. Recrutăm!

GEYC caută 3 tineri entuziaşti care să facă parte din echipa Centrului de Mobilităţi. Dacă ai factorul #MOBILIS atunci te invităm să aplici. Termen limită: 18.09.2016

09 August 2016

Digital Participation Camp sau locul unde se leagă cele mai frumoase prietenii.

Ana, Daiana și Cătălin tocmai s-au întors din proiectul "Digital Participation Camp: take the lead!" ce a avut loc în Munster, Germania și au dorit să împărtățească cu noi câteva impresii de acolo.

02 August 2016

Your sexual health matters [Training Course in Estonia]

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "From experts to sexperts" European project that will take place in Viljandimaa, Estonia from 11.09. to 18.09.2016. The main aim of the training course is to provide sexual education to those who ca pass it on within their local community. Deadline: on-going | Apply now!

Call for participants! [Youth Exchange in Serbia]

GEYC is selecting 7 Romanian participants, to take part in "Sustainable development and youth work" European project that will take place in Rudnik, Serbia from 03-11.09.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is designed to raise awareness about sustainable development especially among rural youth who is lacking opportunities to attend activities giving them possibilities for personal and professional development. Deadline: on-going |Apply now!

29 July 2016

We are the champions: empowerment for employability [Training course in Italy]

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "We are the champions: empowerment for employability" European project that will take place in Ferrara, Italy from 27.11. to 04.12.2016. The main aim of the training course is providing youth workers with competences for supporting disadvantaged NEETs youngsters in the process of realigning their own life-paths with a view to enhancing their employability. Deadline: 9 August 2016 | Apply now!

28 July 2016

Discrimination. It stops with YOU. IF not YOU, then WHO? [Youth Exchange in Cyprus]

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Include me" European project that will take place in Cyprus from 18.11 to 26.11.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to overcome different forms of discrimination through methods of giving the opportunity to young people to learn from each other and to develop friendships. Deadline: 8 August 2016 | Apply now!

01 June 2016

EVS - A life-changing experience

Today we celebrate Children`s Day! Happy birthday to all of you! And for this special day, we have prepared a special article for you in collaboration with Alexandra, that we hope you will find inspiring as we do!

We`ll talk about EVS programme and how you can spend an amazing period of time abroad together with other internationals and have a life-changing experience!

21 May 2016

Discover Erasmus + World

Lots of young people travelling around Europe..and you hear many of them talking about some amazing programmes, called Erasmus+. What do these actually mean?

Well...let me introduce you to Erasmus + World, which may become a lifestyle for many of you even though you might seem not so confident at the beginning. The aim of all 
Erasmus + programmes  includes the focus on promoting non-formal education and giving international young people the opportunity to discover multiculturality, to enlarge their horizons, in other words, to grow.

07 May 2016

Top 5 lecții pe care le-am testat în GEYC | Ana Maria Drăgoi - Mobility Center Trainee

În rândurile ce urmează, nu am să mă raportez la un simplu ONG, ci la un prieten, pe care l-am întâlnit în urmă cu un an și jumătate. GEYC nu e numai despre voluntariat. E despre prieteni, despre oportunități faine de dezvoltare și despre ajutor reciproc. Despre curajul de a te autodepăși și despre provocarea de a fi responsabil. Despre lecțiile pe care le înveți fără să îți dai seama.

30 April 2016

Thoughts about "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange

Between 1-8 April 2016 took place "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange in Poronin, Poland. Ola and Albert are sharing some thoughts about this youth exchange. Read more about the whole experience. 

27 April 2016

“Stop feeling sorry, start acting” training course in Vidrike, Estonia

Do you want to find out more about youth exchanges and the amazing stories behind them? Well, Alexandra is sharing with you her amazing experience from “Stop feeling sorry, start acting” training course that took place in Vidrike, Estonia between 10-20 April 2016. 

30 October 2015

Slow Food journey starts with new friends, challenges and energy

From 21st to 30th of September 2015, GEYC took part to Foodology bilateral youth exchange organized by Zagreus Association in Cosenza, Italy in the frame of Erasmus+ programme.

26 September 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training Course in Tallinn, Estonia (8-15 November 2015)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Break A Brick- Youth Against Social Exclusion" European project that will take place in the surroundings of Tallinn (3 Km), Estonia from 8 to 15 November 2015. This project will treat the phenomena of exclusion and it is a matter of necessity related by the boost of social exclusion rate among young people in the European Countries. Deadline: 3 October 2015 | Apply now!