Showing posts with label internship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internship. Show all posts

07 May 2016

Top 5 lecții pe care le-am testat în GEYC | Ana Maria Drăgoi - Mobility Center Trainee

În rândurile ce urmează, nu am să mă raportez la un simplu ONG, ci la un prieten, pe care l-am întâlnit în urmă cu un an și jumătate. GEYC nu e numai despre voluntariat. E despre prieteni, despre oportunități faine de dezvoltare și despre ajutor reciproc. Despre curajul de a te autodepăși și despre provocarea de a fi responsabil. Despre lecțiile pe care le înveți fără să îți dai seama.

01 May 2015

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (8th ed.)

http://resources.geyc.roIn order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months online practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication.

After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you to apply for NMA 8th edition!

The deadline for submitting the application form is 10/07/2015. APPLY NOW!

06 April 2015

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (7th ed.)
In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months online practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication.

After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you to apply for NMA 7th edition!

The deadline for submitting the application form is 20/04/2015. APPLY NOW!

31 July 2014

GEYC - a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs of the European Commission

We are proudly announcing that GEYC was selected as a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. Initiated by the European Commission, the Grand Coalition is a multi-stakeholder partnership to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe and the several hundred of thousands of unfilled ICT-related vacancies.

20 July 2014

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (6th generation)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you too apply for NMA 5th and NMA 6th editions!

16 February 2014

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (5th & 6th ed.)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you too apply for NMA 5th and NMA 6th editions!

10 August 2013

Recrutăm un intern pentru poziţia de Asistent Manager general!

GEYC scoate la concurs un program de internship cu durata de 6 luni (1 septembrie 2013 - 1 martie 2014) pentru poziţia de Asistent Manager general. Candidaţii interesaţi sunt invitaţi să aplice până pe 21 august 2013.