Showing posts with label New Media Ambassador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Media Ambassador. Show all posts

#GEYC8 - Meet the team - Cristiana Lucaci, Vicepreședinte

„#GEYC8 - Meet the team” este oportunitatea perfectă atât pentru membrii Comunității GEYC, cât și pentru partenerii noștri, să cunoască mai multe detalii despre #GEYCuleții care fac parte din echipa internă. Inițiativa nu vine întâmplător în această perioadă, în 2018 fiind aniversarea de 8 ani a GEYC. 

Gabriel Brezoiu: "Digital youth participation matters"

This week, our colleague Gabriel BREZOIU, General Manager of GEYC and PRISMA European Network is participating to Culture 4D Conference organized by the Tallinn University in the frame of the Estonian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe.

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (8th ed.)

http://resources.geyc.roIn order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months online practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication.

After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you to apply for NMA 8th edition!

The deadline for submitting the application form is 10/07/2015. APPLY NOW!

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (7th ed.)
In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months online practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication.

After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you to apply for NMA 7th edition!

The deadline for submitting the application form is 20/04/2015. APPLY NOW!

GEYC - a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs of the European Commission

We are proudly announcing that GEYC was selected as a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. Initiated by the European Commission, the Grand Coalition is a multi-stakeholder partnership to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe and the several hundred of thousands of unfilled ICT-related vacancies.

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (6th generation)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you too apply for NMA 5th and NMA 6th editions!

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (5th & 6th ed.)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our previous editions, we invite you too apply for NMA 5th and NMA 6th editions!

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (4th & 5th ed.)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our first three edition applicants, we invite you too apply for NMA 4th and NMA 5th editions!

Call for applicants - New Media Ambassadors (3rd & 4th ed.)

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Resources Center, we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.
After the great success of our first two edition applicants, we invite you too apply for NMA 3rd and NMA 4th editions!

Call for partners - New Media Ambassadors (NMA) training course (YiA, 4.3) in Newcastle, UK - 3-11 November 2013

Opportunity International and GEYC are looking for partners coming from Programme countries in order to apply at 01/05 deadline for ”New Media Ambassadors (NMA)”, a ”Youth in action” training course (4.3) organized in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, between 3-11 November 2013. The project aims to build capacity of European youth workers in the field of new media communication. 

Call for participants - New Media Ambassadors

In order to promote, develop and enrich GEYC Center of resources we launch a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 2 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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