10 April 2013

Call for partners - New Media Ambassadors (NMA) training course (YiA, 4.3) in Newcastle, UK - 3-11 November 2013

Opportunity International and GEYC are looking for partners coming from Programme countries in order to apply at 01/05 deadline for ”New Media Ambassadors (NMA)”, a ”Youth in action” training course (4.3) organized in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, between 3-11 November 2013. The project aims to build capacity of European youth workers in the field of new media communication. 
Source: http://cyrilu.wordpress.com/

This call for partners is closed. Thank you!

The development of new media technology has deeply changed our way of living and communicating.
Nowadays, young people spend a lot of time online which could be an incentive to use social media and multimedia tools in everything they do. Therefor, people working in the youth field should be ready to tackle these new challenges and to include new media tools in their activity.

Building capacity of European youth workers in the field of new media communication

1. Empowering youth workers to use multimedia tools to fight discrimination and to promote European values such as tolerance, democracy, respect to human rights, equality;
2. Providing new media skills to youth workers in order to use social media tools to improve communication and fundraising activities of their organisations;
3. Stimulating youth workers to cooperate at European level, to share good practices to network in order to raise their organisations advocacy capacity towards other stakeholders;

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne region, United Kingdom
Dates: 3-11 November 2013 
Language: English

The project activities will improve the digital skills of the participants (by providing social media and multimedia tools) in order to raise their capacity of working with young people at local, national and European level.

The training course has a complex and intensive approach in order to develop various competencies for the participants. The training methodology will use non-formal methods such as: working in intercultural teams, debates, workshops, simulations, energizers, ice-breakers, teambuilding games, intercultural evening, activities lead by the participants etc.  

Eligibility of the partners
Partners should fulfill the following conditions:
  • to be resident in an EU member state (excepting UK and Romania, which are the organizers), in EFTA countries, Switzerland, or in candidate countries (Turkey and Croatia);
  • to be an NGO, a public authority, a body active at European level or an informal group (ATTENTION! Schools are not eligible partners for Youth in action program);

Each partner will be represented by 1-3 participants. The following conditions apply:
  • participants should be interested in using new media tools and should have a minimum digital literacy (using computers, internet, social networks etc.);
  • participants should be able to fully participate to project activities;
  • participants  should be able to communicate in English;
  • age range: over 18;
  • participants should be legally resident in the country of the partner;

Application form timeline:
  • until 20/04/2013 - submission of application forms (Subject: NMA - Your country, e-mail address: office (at) geyc.ro) - please note that your e-mail may not be received if the subject is misspelled or wrong;
  • until 24/04/2013 - application forms evaluation;
  • until 25/04/2013 - communication of results;
  • until 25/04/2013 - submission of contracts to be signed by partners;
  • until 27/04/2013 - each partner should print, sign, stamp, scan and send back by e-mail the contracts. If everything is ok, partner will be requested to immediately submit the contract by registered post-mail; 
  • until 01/05/2013 - the application form will be submitted to British National Agency (British Council);

For further information, please contact Mr. Gabriel Brezoiu, Project Manager at office (at) geyc.ro.

Available downloads (downloads are not available anymore, the call for partners is closed):
Project description
Application form

Our organization is very active in using new media tools for young people. For example, we have recently GEYC Center of Resources, a free online platform to offer new media resources to young people and non profits. Check it out!