Showing posts with label digital job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital job. Show all posts

The world of blogging - share your story to the world

Being online is considered today a must. Most people possess a Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter account, especially the youth generation. Online Media has become a social trend, technology has evolved and one has to adapt in order to keep up with others.

But what turns into something very popular today is creating a blog.

Campania SMARTER: Acordarea titlurilor SMARTER Student

Odată cu finalizarea jurizării, ne revine plăcerea să anunțăm rezultatele competiției „SMARTER Student”.

GEYC - a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs of the European Commission

We are proudly announcing that GEYC was selected as a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. Initiated by the European Commission, the Grand Coalition is a multi-stakeholder partnership to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe and the several hundred of thousands of unfilled ICT-related vacancies.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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