Showing posts with label job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job. Show all posts
08 December 2020
09 July 2020
09 June 2018
5 things to do before you turn 25 (YE, Design your job, Malaga, Spain)
Because the best way to define yourself as a person is through the experiences you live and the people you meet, #GEYCleții do not like to waste time so left in a new adventure that has enriched them both personally and professionally.
02 July 2015
EURES - A practical guide for getting a job in Europe
The work mobility (and specially young people working mobility) in Europe is one of the key opportunities brought by the European Union. It has many advantages and it reduces the gaps between the level of development of certain regions and distributes the skills acording to the needs of the labour market. We introduce to you "Your first EURES job" scheme that brings financial and informational support for your work mobility abroad.
07 April 2015
7 lucruri pe care nu ar fi trebuit să le fi văzut la interviuri
Gabriel Brezoiu: De-a lungul timpului am organizat peste 200 de interviuri. Haideți să vă spun care sunt cele mai comune greșeli ale candidaților, nu de alta, dar să nu cădeți și voi în aceleași capcane.
22 November 2013
Campania SMYLE: Seminarul „JobIT” la Galați
Colegiul Economic „Virgil Madgearu” din Galați a organizat seminarul „JobIT” în cadrul Campaniei SMYLE, având ca invitat un reprezentant al firmei Windriver Systems Romania. Evenimentul și-a propus să realizeze creşterea gradului de conştientizare a competenţelor digitale.
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