EURES - A practical guide for getting a job in Europe

The work mobility (and specially young people working mobility) in Europe is one of the key opportunities brought by the European Union. It has many advantages and it reduces the gaps between the level of development of certain regions and distributes the skills acording to the needs of the labour market. We introduce to you "Your first EURES job" scheme that brings financial and informational support for your work mobility abroad.

EURES (European Employment Service) is European Union's network of public services of recruitment. It can offer to you a first hand support in order to facilitate your relocation in another European country.

GEYC is working closely with EURES representatives, in Romania and perhaps abroad, in order to bring to your attention the support you could get:
  • financial support for your interview;
  • relocation allowance (for example if you will come to Romania for a job mobility you will get 635 EUR, in France 1045 EUR and in the UK, 1060 EUR);
  • language training;
  • qualifications recognition;
  • supplementary relocation allowance (for jobseekers with special needs);

Click here to download "Your first Eures Job" brochure with full details in all EU languages. 

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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