Showing posts with label european mobility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label european mobility. Show all posts
GEYC Mobility Center Impact (2010-2019)
It is our pleasure to present the 10 years results of GEYC Mobility Center under 3 criteria:
- Number of participants sent in mobility projects;
- Number of mobilities;
- Number of countries visited;
We would like to particularly thank our international partners for their trust, friendship and collaboration over the past 10 years and of course, to the 3600+ GEYC Community members.
Youth Exchange: Business to business, 22.05.2019-29.05.2019, Valmiera, Latvia
Have you ever wondered what is a business incubator? We had the opportunity to visit one in Valmiera and to find out that a business incubator is a company that helps new and startup companies to develop by providing services (such as management training or office space). In the project "Business to business", we were able to create work plans and to develop ideas from scratch.
European Mobility Cafe sau cum să aducem mobilitățile europene mai aproape de tineri
Formatul evenimentelor European Mobility Cafe ne permite să creăm un spațiu prietenos unde tinerii pot să se informeze, pot împărtăși idei și experiențe de mobilitate europeană și pot intra în contact cu alți membri ai Comunității GEYC.
European Digital Youth Summit 2018: The story after the story
Varianta în limba română este disponibilă mai jos
#EDYS18, held under the High Patronage of the European Parliament, gathered in the Transilvania University of Brașov around 200 local, national and international participants from more than 10 countries. EDYS - European Digital Youth Summit 2018 had a diverse Opening Panel - welcoming government, academia and civil society representatives from Brașov and abroad - which made it eclectic and interesting both for the physical and online audience. The online presence of the event reached 35k social media users and our live transmission reached almost 20k users.
GEYC: The launch of the European Fellowship on Project Management
European Fellowship on Project Management is a complex programme initiated by GEYC under the framework of EuroIMPACT Plus KA2 Strategic Partnership, aiming to develop the project management skills of young people.
TC - "Women Get Back", Malaga, Spain
Women Get Back – experiencing women entrepreneurship activities under the warm sun of Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain. Iuliana and Andreea, two active youth workers and proud geyculeți took the trip from Bucharest to the sunny Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain, for Women Get Back, a training course about women empowerment in entrepreneurship, organized by Projuven Association, beween 10th and 17th of May.
TC "Looking for PIP- Peer Impower", Malaga, Spain
Timp de 8 zile, între 28 aprilie și 6 mai, în însorita Malaga, trei membre GEYC au luat parte la un training ce a avut drept teme principale egalitatea de gen și rolul acesteia în leadership, prin identificarea modalităților care să încurajeze depășirea prejudecăților și să genereze conștientizarea necesității de a ne schimba optica în privință felului în care ne raportăm la rolurile de gen, atât în viață cotidiană, cât și în spațiul destinat muncii.
TC "EuroIMPACT Plus", New Castle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
At the beginning of this spring, somewhere in New Castle, a small beautiful city close to the Nordic Sea, took place the training course "EuroIMPACT Plus". The aim of the training course was to improve the project management skills of the youths. The project took place between 5th- 12th of March.
Ne-am întors din schimbul de tineri “Youth Activists’ Lab” (Marrakech, Maroc)
Cum ar fi ca un proiect oferit de Uniunea Europeană să aibă loc pe continentul African și să fie despre o temă de actualitate pentru tot globul?
În perioada 21-29 martie 6 participanți din România, Liban, Maroc, Spania, Franța și Tunisa s-au reunit în Marrakech pentru Youth Exchange-ul “Youth Activists’ Lab”. Tema, din ce în ce mai de interes pentru momentul în care ne aflăm azi în lume, s-a învârtit în jurul voluntariatul și activismului social.
erasmus plus,
european mobility,
mobility center,
schimb de tineri,
YE - "Being a refugee is not my decision" Eskisehir, Turkey
Have you ever heard of Eskisehir? Besides being a lovely city located in Turkey, it was the host of a Youth Exchange, which took place between 8th- 15th of March. It focused on raising awareness about one of the current issues faced nowadays: refugees' crisis.
TC- "(en)ABLE" Porto, Portugal
During 8th-15th of January, the training course (en)ABLE was hold in Porto, a unique city in Portugal. The aim of this project was to focus on the rights of people with disabilities in order to include them in the society.
"Creative Arts for Youth Participation", a youth exchange to remember in La Vancelle, France
Between October 30 and November 5, 2017, we spent an amazing time in a youth exchange that aimed to enhance our creativity, immerse in French culture and meet amazing people from 5 countries – Macedonia, France, Greece, Romania and Lithuania.
Managing Diversity towards More Inclusive Societies
Have you ever had that feeling when you are in a crowd of like-mined people who have similar lifestyle and background? It‘s cool to be understood from half a word and easily fit in, isn't it? Many of young people have never felt that way.
TC - "Leading to Equalization", Crete, Greece
First of all we would encourage everyone to apply for Erasmus+ projects. Some of you may have that fear of meeting new people, the “What if they are different from me?” well we all have fears and we are all different and it’s ok. That is one of the main topics of Erasmus projects. For example we came from different parts of our country, two of us (Raul and Silvia) are from Bucharest and two from Cluj (Iulia and Eduard) and only Eduard had past experience with mobility projects. Me, Iulia and Silvia had no prior experience and no idea of what is going to happen. We heard stories from our friends but there is no words for living the actual experience.
TC - "Bigger, Better, Brighter” - Whitley Bay, UK
I was just finishing my EVS in Sweden and had a feeling that I gained some experiences throughout the project, as it was a long term EVS that lasted for almost one year. So the stars have aligned so I could participate in “Bigger, Better, Brighter” with the aim of promoting European Voluntary Service projects. Further more, it fit into my #inspiration slot project from the #EFYL program.
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |