04 September 2023

New Activities in the frame of Erasmus+ Accreditation 2023

In the frame of Erasmus+ Accreditation 2023-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-000138290, we have planned the following work flow for the next 12 months:

A1. European Fellowship on Youth Training & Education powered by Digital (EFYTED) Bootcamp

Professional development activities - Member States and associated countries
8 countries involved, 24 pax + 3 facilitators (2 trainers, 1 logistic/tech support)
Location: Malaga, Spain
Date: 15-23 November 2023, 7 days + 2 travel
Topic: training of trainers*, youth work, digital youth work, non-formal education

O1: Raising competences among youth workers on how to plan, implement and assess the learning process for youth, using non-formal education methodology
O2: Increasing the know-how of youth workers on online and offline tools of engaging youth in non-formal education programs
O3: Sharing good practices at European and international level on training and facilitation, in order to increase the quality of their work
O4: Fostering collaboration and partnerships at European and international level, between NGOs and youth workers, by building a pool of trainers

Digital Practice: European Fellowship on Youth Training & Education powered by Digital (EFYTED) 

8 countries involved, 48 pax + 4 staff 
Location: online, Google Classroom
Date: 15 January -29 February 2024 

Short description: Digital youth work, Training of Trainers, Online facilitation and training (with asynchronous tasks and 6 live meetings, of which 4 dedicated to the online facilitation practices). The online training will be a variation of our New Media Ambassadors format. 

A2. Youth exchanges - Member States and associated countries

6 countries involved, 30 pax (13-18y) + 6 leaders + 2 staff
Location: Cuevas Bajas, Spain
Dates: March 2024, 7 days+ 2 travel
Topic: Youth Voices in EU elections** > Practice opportunity for EFYTED pax


O1: Educate young people about the importance of EU elections and their role in shaping the future of Europe
O2: Empower participants to develop digital campaigns aimed at increasing youth voter turnout in EU elections.

A3. Youth exchanges - Member States and associated countries

6 countries involved, 30 pax (18y+) + 6 leaders + 2 staff
Location: Barletta, Italy
Dates: May 2024, 7 days+ 2 travel
Topic: Social entrepreneurship & sustainable development** > Practice opportunity for EFYTED pax


O1: Promote social entrepreneurship as a solution to overcome difficulties for target groups with fewer opportunities

O2: Guide participants towards green, sustainable and responsible practices/businesses in relation to the environment

A4. EDYS24 Seminar 

Professional development activities - Member States and associated countries
8 countries involved, 24 pax + 3 facilitators (2 trainers, 1 logistic/tech support)
Location: Romania (Bucharest)
Dates: APV 15 July, Seminar 16-21 July 2024, 4 days + 2 travel
Topic: youth participation

Short description: The seminar will focus on how to bring together youths and stakeholders, in order to facilitate a meaningful dialogue and empower youths to have their say in creating the future of Europe. Participants will actively contribute to preparing European Digital Youth Summit EDYS24, an open event, aiming to bring together 100+ active actors in their communities to discuss youth participation, under three dimensions: green, social and digital and participate in thematic workshops and study visits. Previous editions were organised under the High Patronage of the European Parliament.

* The need of a training for trainers was identified among our executive team and also among partners and youth workers during our activities held in the frame of Erasmus+ accreditation 2022. 
** Topics were voted for by our GEYC Community members. 

In this journey, GEYC (Romania) partnered with 7 other organizations: 
Asul (Belgium), Eurosud (Italy), EuroMuévete (Spain), Fundacja IPW (Poland), Growth Hub (Greece), Rozvojová agentúra Žilinského samosprávneho kraja (Slovak Republic) and Zarika Association (Bulgaria).