Înscrie-te acum la un stagiu de voluntariat european susținut prin programul ”Corpul European de Solidaritate” / ”European Solidarity Corps” și poți avea șansa unui stagiu de lungă durată în Malaga, Spania implicându-te în activități de lucru cu tinerii. Termen limită pentru înscrieri: 25 martie 2019.
Showing posts with label malaga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malaga. Show all posts
TC - "No more time 4 hate", Málaga, Spain
The Training Course „No more time 4 hate”, which took place in Torremolinos (Málaga area), Spain, between 24th and 31st of May 2018, was not just an occasion to interact with different people, but also an opportunity to „change the world”, as our participants told us.
hate speech,
human rights,
no hate speech movement,
training course
TC - "Women Get Back", Malaga, Spain
Women Get Back – experiencing women entrepreneurship activities under the warm sun of Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain. Iuliana and Andreea, two active youth workers and proud geyculeți took the trip from Bucharest to the sunny Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain, for Women Get Back, a training course about women empowerment in entrepreneurship, organized by Projuven Association, beween 10th and 17th of May.
YE - "GENDERation" Malaga, Spain
From 24/01/2018 to 01/02/2018 the Erasmus+ Youth exchange GENDERation took place in Malaga to promote and facilitate non-formal education methodologies on gender equity.
TC: Empowerment for your future - Torremolinos, Spania
Începutul lunii mai se anunța a fi minunat.. și nu oricum!? Un proiect perfect într-o țară perfectă, definită de un aer latino, unde paella îmbinată cu sangria devenea cina favorită oricărei persoane care ajungea în Spania, dar nu oriunde... ci în Malaga, orașul de suflet al multor tineri.
9 mai,
erasmus plus,
european mobility,
training course
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |