Showing posts with label cultural diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cultural diversity. Show all posts
We are kicking out the DIVERSE Project
Diverse project’s aim is to promote the skills of teachers to manage diversity in the classroom through methods based on storytelling (drama in education, fairy tales and digital storytelling)
The main objective of the project is to improve the management of diversity in the classroom and especially in classrooms with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant or minority background in their school environment.
The first specific objective of the project is to support teachers and educators that are teaching in multicultural schools (school with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant/ minority background) to develop their skills in order to promote effectively in the classroom. The second specific objective is the improvement of the social inclusion of children with refugee/ migrant or minority background in their classroom and in the society more generally. The project will focus both in elementary and secondary schools.
The partners involved in the project are Action Synergy, Centre of Higher Education in Theatre Studies, University of Girona, Health and Social Development Foundation, Asociatia GEYC, InSite Drama, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Luigi Einaudi.
The project targets the teachers who are teaching in multicultural schools, as it will equip them with different tools that they can use to improve the promotion and management of diversity in multicultural classes and the children themselves, as it will allow them to learn in ways more aligned to their needs.
The project is based on storytelling, which implies a lot of emotional involvement and allows teachers and students to understand better the different cultures, and aims to adapt and upscale three methods of telling a story: Drama in Education, activities based on fairy and folk tales and Digital Storytelling. The training of teachers on how to use these three methods of storytelling in order to promote diversity in their classroom will allow both the improvement of the intercultural competencies of the teachers and the change of attitudes of the whole classroom. This in return will contribute to the improvement of the social inclusion of the children from refugee/ migrant/ minority backgrounds.
The main activities of the project are designed in order to provide to the teachers the necessary tools in order to be able to deal with diversity in their classroom and create learning environments that will promote the effective social inclusion of all the children in a multicultural classroom.
For more information visit the projects's website or the latest news about it.
Training Course: [AT-271] YOU Facilitating YOU, Vienna, Austria
Between the 7th and 15th of July 2019, the Erasmus+ Training Course, hosted by Popedu, called “YOU Facilitating YOU” took place. It gathered 24 young people for 7 days from 8 different countries: Montenegro, Romania, Poland, The Republic of North Macedonia, Kosovo, Portugal, Italy, and Greece willing to develop facilitation skills and techniques tailored for each individual participant.
Volunteers wanted - EVS "Meeting of generations", Ankara, Turkey
We are looking for volunteers for the short-term EVS project "Meeting of generations", which have started in February 2019 in Ankara, Turkey, and will have 6 rounds, each lasting 2 months.
TC - "Women Get Back", Malaga, Spain
Women Get Back – experiencing women entrepreneurship activities under the warm sun of Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain. Iuliana and Andreea, two active youth workers and proud geyculeți took the trip from Bucharest to the sunny Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain, for Women Get Back, a training course about women empowerment in entrepreneurship, organized by Projuven Association, beween 10th and 17th of May.
TC "Looking for PIP- Peer Impower", Malaga, Spain
Timp de 8 zile, între 28 aprilie și 6 mai, în însorita Malaga, trei membre GEYC au luat parte la un training ce a avut drept teme principale egalitatea de gen și rolul acesteia în leadership, prin identificarea modalităților care să încurajeze depășirea prejudecăților și să genereze conștientizarea necesității de a ne schimba optica în privință felului în care ne raportăm la rolurile de gen, atât în viață cotidiană, cât și în spațiul destinat muncii.
YE-"United Plates of Europe", UK
Once upon a time, there were two princesses and three princes who rode unicorns to a faraway land called happiness. Just kidding, this isn’t a bed time story, although, judging from the extraordinary experiences lived by our protagonists, it could have easily been one.
De ce iubesc spaniolii Crăciunul?
Crăciunul este o sărbătoare magică pretutindeni, însă Spania are “gustul” ei aparte de Crăciun. Prin excelentă țara sărbătorilor, España reușește să îi încânte pe toți iubitorii de tradiții și obiceiuri de Crăciun.
Crăciunul pe meleaguri însorite, Cipru
În ciuda faptului că ortodoxia a devenit bizantina, ortodocșii celebrează sărbatorile religioase în mai multe feluri. Am colectat toate acest obiceiuri în acest articol, pentru a vă pregăti într-adevăr pentru un Crăciun tradițional în Cipru.
Tradițiile și obiceiurile pentru care francezii iubesc Crăciunul
În Franța, Crăciunul este perioada reuniunii familiei și a generozității, marcată de daruri și dulciuri pentru copii, cadouri pentru cei mai puțin norocoși, liturghia de la miezul nopții și de revelion (le Reveillon de Noël fiind echivalent cu Ajunul Crăciunului).
Managing Diversity towards More Inclusive Societies
Have you ever had that feeling when you are in a crowd of like-mined people who have similar lifestyle and background? It‘s cool to be understood from half a word and easily fit in, isn't it? Many of young people have never felt that way.
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |